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Why you should go full send on email data quality

To thrive in the current business landscape, it's essential to meet customers where they are and build relationships quickly. According to Statista [1], "email marketing revenue is estimated to reach almost11 billion by the end of 2023", making email an essential channel for marketers to capture attention and increase response times. We'll uncover the role that data quality plays in your email strategy and how good data quality can enhance your email efforts.

Data quality should come first

Email is certainly not a new channel, and for many marketers, the need for a strong email strategy is clear. Popular email topics often include how to increase engagement, create engaging templates, draft enticing copy, and more. While each of these aspects certainly plays an important role in the performance of your email efforts, something even more foundational should be top of mind. Data validation, particularly email validation, provides assurance that your email communications are being sent to a verified, accurate, and up-to-date address. With this tool in place, your creative marketing tactics can truly shine. Let’s discuss more below.

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4 reasons to prioritize high-quality email data

1. Target your customer better

With email communications, you can segment your audience by the demographics of your choice. This allows you to customize your content and adjust it more quickly and cheaply than you could with traditional snail mail.

2. Reach customers more, for less

The cost of undelivered emails can quickly build up and while one highly beneficial feature of email is the accessible opt-out or unsubscribe feature, you don’t want to rely on that too heavily. When you’re able to verify an email address for your campaigns, you limit financial downside and can get more aggressive with your email strategy, at a more advantageous price.

3. Make it easier for customers to follow-up with you

By utilizing email, you can reduce friction for customers who may want to follow up with you. Instead of the consumer searching high and low for ways to reach out, they can easily engage within the email by clicking on the call-to-action button and be guided exactly where you want them to go.

4. Build upon your existing mail strategy

It's possible traditional mail is still generating a good return for your business. If so, digitizing the process can strengthen your strategy with additional channels. By going digital, you can target new segments and widen your potential customer base.

The risk of doing nothing

Your competition is going digital. Young and tech-savvy people are steadily becoming the bulk of lucrative audiences, and as they engage with digital channels at record rates, companies are catering to them. Therefore, an inability to reach this group in a meaningful, relevant way could erode your position in the market. What’s more, the complexity of modern email marketing allows for deeply insightful campaign analytics that can enable you to iterate on your outreach and become a larger player in your offering. A delay in action is very likely to create a time and cost disadvantage for your business.

3 ways to utilize email

1. Target customers who interact with your brand

When customers interact with your website, social media, or even online ads, you can send timely emails to follow up on their interest in you. This keeps your brand top of mind and, given the method and extent of their interaction with you, you can create more targeted messaging in your reach. Over time, this can create a fuller profile of both individual customers and segments of customers to inform your overall strategy.

2. Use email to develop relevant calls to action

A well-defined email strategy allows you to segment your customers and ensure they interact with the most relevant version of your brand. Through your segments, you can create copy and call to action that direct customers to additional content on your website, such as FAQs, product tips, different online chat methods, and more. Using email to show customers all that you have to offer can increase engagement, establish trust, and support conversion.

3. Provide notifications to keep customers engaged

Another way to keep customers engaged is to provide them with a steady stream of email notifications on their purchases and browsing behavior. These simple notifications can range from confirmation that their order is being processed, updates on shipping delays, similar products they might like, and more. To increase convenience, you can integrate options for customers to respond quickly and easily online. Depending on your business, examples could include a secure portal to upload documents, the ability to sign off with e-signatures, or the option to communicate with rep through text or social media.

Experian can help

When you know that an email is deliverable, you can feel confident that important communications reach your intended recipients. Our email verification solutions can be used for real-time validation, bulk cleansing, and list validation. Easy to use and cost-effective, these solutions allow you to strengthen your multi-channel marketing approach right away.


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