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Return on investment for collectors using email

One by one, collectors are digitally transforming their outreach programs to ensure high efficiency, cost savings, and time to value.

As part of this digital adoption, collection agencies are exploring the use of email to digitize collections and reach consumers with more convenience.

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Email by numbers

  • A recent Experian study finds that 99% of business leaders are using email today or have plans to use email in the future.
  • According to a 2023 CFPB survey, 85% of debt collectors reported using email to communicate with debtors in the past year—the most common form of communication used by collectors.
  • Experian and a collector ran an A/B test by adding email to a phone outreach plan to find that 25% of customers paid the debt owed via email.
  • 1.9 Billion emails complete Experian’s compliant and permission-based database, an internet compiled source that has been collecting data for over two decades.

Why email could mean more savings for you

Here's an illustration:

Suppose collectors intend to reach out to customers via both phone and email channels, with an average of four attempts per client per channel. Assuming that appending 10,000 emails costs $2,000, which is the equivalent of sending four emails per address, and a phone call costs an average of $1.50, we could expect the following outcomes:

  • For every $1 spent on appending email addresses, debt collectors will save $14.
  • By leveraging email when phone calls get no response, agencies could save upwards of $56,000 - and potentially increase the amount of debt recovered.

This example represents a return on investment for collectors of 1400%, based on saved phone call costs.


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