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Real-Time Phone Verification

Real-time phone verification definitions

Active, live phone numbers make it easy to contact your customers and keep the communication lines open. That means keeping your contact lists up to date is one of the most important things you can do. The best way to do this is by using real-time phone verification. This process lets you see if a phone number is active and able to receive calls or messages.

We understand that using a phone verification tool might seem a little confusing at first. That’s why we created this phone validation glossary. Now you can quickly look up the terms and definitions you need to know so you can use real-time verification like a pro.

  • Bulk phone validation: This is the process of validating a list of phone numbers in sets. Rather than typing in phone numbers one by one, you can just upload your contact list. Experian’s phone validation software runs through your list to validate each number. Your list comes back quickly with the information you need to stay in touch with customers.
  • Country code: The country code is the prefix that identifies its country of origin. You add a country code to a phone number when dialing internationally. For example, the country code for the United States and Canada is “1,” so you would add a +1 before the rest of the phone number if you were calling from a phone outside those countries.
  • Country of origin: This is the country where the phone number originated.
  • Formatted phone data: This data is presented in an easy-to-read format instead of technical formats, like JSON. Generally, formatted data is used outside of technical applications where you want read the information rather than using a computer to process it.
  • Global phone validation: Experian’s validation software uses international data to verify phone numbers from around the world.
  • JSON format: JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a data format used by computers to sort and relay phone information. Most phone validation data is available in JSON format so it can easily be added to databases.
  • Landline phone: A type of phone that transmits sounds through physical wires, such as metal or fiber optic telephone lines.
  • Line type: Phone numbers can be either mobile phones or landlines. Line type identifies whether a phone line uses radio waves (mobile) or physical lines (landline).
  • Mobile network operator (MNO): A mobile phone carrier. This is the network of cell towers a mobile phone is connected to, such as AT&T or Verizon in the United States.
  • Mobile phone: A type of phone that transmits sound through radio waves instead of physical wires.
  • Phone list cleaning: The process of validating an existing list of phone numbers and removing inactive numbers.
  • Phone number verification: Verification (or validation) involves checking a phone number against an international database of telecommunications data to see if it’s accurate and active. The process also includes a test message that verifies whether the phone number can receive calls or messages.
  • Phone validation test message: This test pings a phone number to see if it can receive calls or messages. The phone’s user isn’t notified of the test.
  • Phone verification API: This technical application from Experian lets you validate phone numbers as they’re being typed. For example, you can add it to your website, so customers have to enter a valid number to sign up for a mailing list or checkout.
  • Phone verification service: This service lets you check the phone numbers on your contact list to make sure they’re active.
  • Real-time phone verification: This involves using phone verification software that can validate numbers immediately. You get instant feedback on the validity of a number instead of waiting for a report.
  • Roaming status: Phone verification lets you know whether a mobile phone number is roaming, which means using out-of-network cell towers to make calls or receive messages.
  • Valid phone number: A valid phone number is correctly formatted, uses the right country code, and can actively receive calls or messages.

How to get started with real-time phone number validation

Ready to start validating phone numbers in real-time? At Experian, we know how important it is to have accurate phone numbers for your customers and business contacts. Our real-time validation tools make it easy to collect live phone numbers as they enter your database or validate your contacts as needed.

You can get started by checking out our free phone verification tool, which lets you validate phone numbers for free. Try it today!