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Maturity Model

What is a maturity model?

A maturity model is a framework that is used as a benchmark for comparison when looking at an organisation's processes. It is specifically used when evaluating the capability to implement data management strategies and the level at which that company could be at risk from said strategies.

Within a data governance audit, a maturity model will be used to map the level at which an organisation is at in regards to its existing data management processes and procedures.

The more mature an organisation is against this benchmark, the less at risk it is in terms of risks associated with poor data management practices.

What does a maturity model provide?

A maturity model can be described as a structured collection of elements based on maturity within an organisation. A maturity model may provide, for example the benefit of a community's prior data management experiences, a common language and a shared vision and a framework for prioritising actions.

At Experian Data Quality, we run data healthchecks for our customers to help organisations identify how good their data quality strategies are. If you want some advice on how to improve your data quality within your organisation, get in touch.