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Email append

What is email appending?

Email appending adds email address data to existing lists of contact data and information. Let’s say you have a list of customer names and mailing addresses. You’d like to be able to email them your latest sale flyer instead of sending it through the mail. The easiest way to get emails for your customers is to use email appending.

See the real-time email verification tool

The process is fast and simple for you. You send your list of names and mailing addresses to Experian and we get to work. We use our appending software to run your list through advanced contact databases using our appending software. The program checks your list against the databases to look for matches with the same customer name and mailing address. When a match is found, the system verifies the email for the contact. This involves checking that the email address can accept mail by sending an undetectable test message. If the email is verified, it’s added to the contact information on your customer list.

Appending is an easy to open a new line of communication with your customers. You can also use email append to get email addresses for business associates using business email appending. Unlike customer information, business databases often use company postal addresses and company names to help you find email contacts for important business contacts.

Email appending examples

The email append process compares data from third-party sources with your existing contact lists to find email addresses for your contacts. For example, an automotive dealership can use appending to get email data for their customers. Appending adds email addresses to their list of customers’ mailing addresses. They can now send their customer emails with trade-in deals, service specials, and lease options.

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Email append FAQs

Q: What is email appending?

A: Email appending is adding emails to your existing contact lists. The emails are added by searching consumer and business databases for mailing address and telephone information that matches your contacts. Each verified email added to your list goes through a validation process so you can be sure you’re getting accurate addresses.

Q: What are some email appending services?

A: Consumer appending involves finding emails for consumers who aren’t part of a business. Business email appending uses business data to find email addresses for business contacts.

Q: How do email appending companies append databases?

A: Experian adds emails to your contact lists by cross-referencing customer names and contact data with email address data. The system verifies each email in real-time to make such it can receive mail before adding it to your list.

Related links:

Learn more about Experian Data Quality's email verification tool.

Clean your email list in real-time.