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Harnessing digital transformation: Customer experience initiatives in the data-driven world

Business leaders today recognize the benefits the digital economy has to offer. Still, organizations struggle to deliver the experiences they would like, and data isn’t always fit for purpose. Digital transformation is ushering in a new wave of product innovation and  customer-centric strategies that are reshaping the way industries do business. At the heart of digital transformation is the data used to power many of these objectives. When a business can trust the data it is working with and align that with a scalable digital strategy, achieving digital transformation goals becomes a lot more attainable. Our recent study provides a unique perspective on customer experience as it relates to digital transformation priorities and challenges for U.S. businesses.

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Digital transformation research

Business leaders today recognize a myriad of benefits the digital economy has to offer, such as improved customer experience and better insight for decision-making. Despite these advantages, organizations struggle to deliver the experience they would like, and data isn’t always in a suitable state to be used for this purpose.

This study provides a unique perspective on customer experience as it relates to digital transformation priorities and challenges. Check out the full report for our in-depth analysis and key findings, such as:

  • The increasing revenue impact of the digital economy
  • The growing focus on customer experience in the digital era
  • The ongoing need for quality data for analytics
  • The implications of digital transformation on governance

Want to know more?

Download our digital transformation report to learn more about the latest trends affecting the data community.