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10 do's and don'ts of data governance

Implementing a successful data governance program at your organization is no small task. It requires executive- and department-level support, a dedicated governance council with line-of-business and IT representation, authority over data across the enterprise, and more! While the benefits of making more data-driven decisions will be felt across every area of your business, the road to get to this point is rife with obstacles. Follow these ten do’s and don’ts to set your data governance program on the path to success.

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Data Quality + Data Governance

The quality of your data is a critical component of your data governance program. That's why we teamed up with Infogix, a leading data governance solutions provider, to offer you a one-stop solution for a comprehensive approach to data governance. Our integrated approach bridges two previously separate disciplines—data quality and data governance—so you can automate both functions and provide business-friendly data definitions tied to quality metrics.


Want to know more?

Download our product sheet to learn how data quality and data governance are the perfect duo.