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Unwrapping holiday email success

An email deliverability analysis of five Ecommerce leaders

Email is one of the biggest enablers of holiday success for retailers - and some are doing email exceptionally well. That's why we partnered with eDataSource, an email campaign analysis company, to take a deep dive into the holiday activity of five Ecommerce retailers: Walmart, Amazon,, Chubbies Shorts, and Staples.

We chose these five because of their outstanding representation in their respective retail areas, ranging from apparel, to office supplies, to one-stop-shops for consumer goods.

By analyzing their email performance, we were able to observe:

  • Average volume of emails sent by retailers of different sizes
  • How well their inbox placements rates fared compared to each other
  • Read rates for these holiday campaigns
  • How a successful pre- and post-holiday season is influenced by good emails

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