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2016 Customer Experience / Unified Commerce Benchmark Survey

Meeting and exceeding today’s consumers’ expectations requires the creation of a consistent shopping experience that can be tracked across all channels.

Customers want to quickly and easily move across channels to research, shop, and interact with your brand and they expect their journey to be personalized and carefree.

To understand retailers’ customer experience priorities and the evolution of unified commerce as a key enabler, Experian Data Quality sponsored Boston Retail Partners to conduct the 2016 Customer Experience/Unified Commerce Benchmark Survey.

Download the survey report to find out how retailers intend to:

  • Quickly identify their most valuable customers
  • Execute unified commerce capabilities
  • Empower their store employees
  • Measure customer satisfaction
  • Deal with their biggest obstacles

And much more…


Download the survey report

Fill out the following form to access the 2016 Customer Experience/Unified Commerce Benchmark Survey