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Driving mobile success with data

Mobile devices play more and more an integral role in a retailer's omnichannel strategy. It is so ingrained in consumers' lives that there are now not only mobile-first shoppers, but also mobile-only shoppers. A good experience makes the difference between these mobile shoppers choosing your store over a competitor's for everything from purchases to positive word-of-mouth.

But just because consumers have embraced mobile into their shopping journeys doesn't mean marketers have caught up to meet their expectations. So this begs the question: What factors matter in successful mobile initiatives? How can marketers balance making use of all the customer data they collect while not being inundated by its sheer volume?

In this white paper, we will take a look at:

  • Factors that matter in successful mobile initiatives
  • Why data collection and data quality shouldn't be an afterthought in this digital age
  • How Experian Data Quality helps retailers make sure their customer data is fit for purpose

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