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Aligning your team to fight rising fraud threats

Traditionally, fraud teams have taken a defensive approach to fraud prevention as each new type of threat appeared.  Yet nowadays, fraud attack vectors are evolving rapidly as criminals become ever more sophisticated. It’s time to take a proactive stance!

Without a proactive fraud strategy, customers can get caught in the middle with either too many hurdles to climb or not enough security to provide confidence. The challenge is it’s the fraud team’s task is to mitigate risk and marketing’s role is to drive revenue, which can cause friction at times. While both are trying to drive the organization towards success, it’s crucial that they work together to maximize customer satisfaction.

Download our white paper, ‘Aligning your team to fight rising threats,’ to learn:

  • How to keep up with the ever-changing trends
  • What best practices you should be following to align revenue goals and fraud mitigation
  • Why you need to understand your customers’ behavior to create the most effective fraud strategy

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