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2019 global data management research

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For many, the promise of data-driven business is more myth than matter. Despite sincere ambitions, many businesses fail to take advantage of the many benefits that data can provide, as efforts around analytics and business intelligence are hamstrung by poor-quality data. How do businesses gain control over their most valuable asset?

Our 2019 global data management research uncovers three key trends surrounding data management practices that contribute to this overarching question:

  • Poor quality data prevents organizations from achieving their #1 priority—improving customer experience
  • Organizations believe 29% of their data is inaccurate, on average, leading to a distinct lack of trust in data
  • Control over data management is shifting, with 75% of respondents saying this responsibility should lie with business users

Download your copy today to read our expert analysis and learn how you can gain control over your data.


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