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Make application abandonment yesterday's problem

Your customers expect fast and easy experiences in all aspects of their digital lives—and their expectations around online loan and credit applications are no different. Current processes are manual and time-consuming, and they often result in abandoned forms.

Simplify my application process

Improve your online application conversion rate by prefilling required information.

of consumers prefer using digital banking options and avoiding banking at branches.

of banking institutions say removing friction from the customer journey is the most important trend in 2018.

of online banking applications that are started are abandoned. 

* Source: Fiserv, DBR, Forrester

Reduce friction during the digital application process

With minimal changes to your existing application process, customers will only be required to input four pieces of information into your online forms. Experian’s Instant Form Fill API will then return 26 individual fields of information using our File OneSM credit header data. With less manual entry required of your consumer, you can expedite the online application process and provide a best-in-class user experience.


Go from complexity to clarity

of digital banking consumers abandon opening an online account due to the application process being too lengthy. 


*Source: ath Power Consulting

Create your friction-free process
  • Increase revenue resulting from greater online application conversions.
  • Decrease application abandonment rates.
  • Trust that the data you are collecting is error-free and secure.

Decrease abandoned applications

Current forms require a substantial amount of time and effort by consumers, resulting in abandoned applications. Our form filling software pre-populates forms with only minimal required input from consumers, giving them a faster application process and a more seamless experience.

Get the tip sheet

Instant Form Fill is just one way to improve data accuracy and customer experience. With our platform of products, we can give you the ability to maximize operations across the board.


Provide a best-in-class customer experience

Potential customers don’t want to spend time and energy filling out long and tedious forms. Experian Instant Form Fill will help reduce application abandonment to improve your credit and loan application processes.

See how our form filling software can help:

Reduce friction with less data entry points.

Increase convenience for your customers.

Improve the accuracy of application data.

Create a faster application process.