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Email Verification FAQs

Curious about email verification? Our data quality experts answer all your FAQs below.

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Why is email verification important?

Email verification helps provides businesses with the confidence of accurate customer data. Whether it’s a mere mistake or a user intentionally provides the wrong email, invalid email addresses are a lost opportunity to communicate with valuable prospects and customers. By validating email addresses, you can be sure your customers receive the important messages you send.

What are the benefits of email verification?

Verified email lists help your business increase deliverability and open rates, reduce bounce rates, improve sender reputation, collect accurate data, and ultimately, boost email campaign performance.  Experian’s email validation solutions can help your business improve accuracy, and efficiency, and provide a great return on investment from your email marketing programs.

How do I verify an email address?

Email verification is simple with Experian’s versatile validation solution.  You can simply upload your customer data in bulk or set up a direct connection for verification at the point of entry.  Below is an overview of the three ways you can verify email addresses:

  • Real-time: At the point of entry, our hosted email validation solution will catch mistyped emails and prompt the user for a correction.
  • Automated batch hygiene: Email address files are automatically uploaded to a secure website for verification. Once verified, the platform will automatically route the file to the intended destination or can be manually picked up through the secured site that it was uploaded to, depending on your data workflow.
  • List validation: Email lists can be validated on an ad hoc basis depending on your need or preference. With list validation, we’ll process your file and provide you with a summary of the results.

Can email verification be integrated into existing applications?

Yes! As one of the most important points of contact for modern customers, you need to ensure your customers’ email addresses are correct. Our integration solutions help provide added peace of mind and convenience when collecting, storing, and leveraging key customer data.

How does email verification work?

The system runs a first check through your email list and identifies missing punctuation or extra spaces. Then, the domains of your email list are checked to make sure they are real and that the email server is accepting mail. You can rest easy knowing that a personalized domain name has a mail server ready to receive your messages.

Can I verify emails in real-time and batch?

Yes! Our validation solutions work in several ways. You can validate emails in real-time to improve data quality at the point of collection. We also offer batch email validation for businesses that need to upload emails in bulk.


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