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Phone verification

Make sure you’re collecting accurate and active phone numbers.

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What is phone validation and how does it work?

Phone number validation is the process of checking if a phone number is accurate. It lets you find out if the phone number you have for a business contact or customer is active and able to receive calls.
There are two ways to verify phone numbers, depending on what information you need:
  • Phone verification API: An API service helps you validate phone numbers in real-time—think about when you are checking out online and you type your phone number into the field. This helps you keep fake numbers from ever entering your database.

  • Bulk phone number validation: Automatically clean up your phone number list. You can set up recurring phone number list cleaning, or upload your phone number list for whenever you want.

Phone correction examples

In the past 12 months Experian received

61.8+ million

phone validation requests globally

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How does phone validation work?

Our advanced phone verification uses data from approximately 1,500 telecommunication providers in over 200 countries and territories to deliver accurate, fast results.
The validation process works by running the phone number through our extensive database. Experian phone verification software finds the number and checks if it’s active. The software also collects information like phone type and network provider. To make sure the phone number is receiving calls, our software sends a test message to the phone, which is not visible to the phone’s owner.
We can even cleanse phone numbers at point-of-entry, so you can be sure they’re valid before they enter your database. Our new disposable mobile number identification feature also allows you to identify a disposable mobile number with ease. By using our phone verification tool, you can immediately see whether a phone number is valid and eliminate inaccurate data collection. 

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Things to know about phone verification

of retail organizations say they use mobile as the main channel of communication to interact with customers and collect information

  • Elevate customer experience – A phone number is a vital contact point for your customers. Accurate numbers help you stay connected with customers so you can keep them updated on your business. Phone validation also helps you use text message and SMS marketing more effectively.
  • Maximize revenue opportunities – Determine if a phone number is valid and accurate before picking up the telephone. This lets you reach existing and potential customers instead of an uninterested party so you have a better chance of making a sale and driving revenue.
  • Increase business performance – Maintain compliance and mitigate risks associated with telemarketing violations by knowing which numbers are landlines or mobile phones. Knowing the type of phone, you’re contacting also lets you choose the right type of communication to connect with the customer.

Real-time phone validation

Standardize and validate phone numbers from 240 countries in real-time at the point of data entry. The global API lets you know if the phone number is valid and active and provides a wealth of insights into the phone number. This includes such as operator, network status, country of origin, number type, active status, and disposability. The API can be integrated seamlessly into any online form in websites, PoS, call centers, CRM systems, and more.

Bulk phone number cleansing

Clean phone number lists or entire databases on a regular basis by submitting the data via a secure FTP website to Experian's Professional Services team. The team will remove any invalid or inactive numbers and return the clean file along with a summary report on the overall health of the data.
Full feature set

What our customers say about phone verification

We’ve managed to improve our customer data, reduce costs and provide a better customer experience—all while staying way ahead of the ROI. We’re thrilled with the first class products and services that have been provided; Experian Data Quality is clearly an industry leader.

Steve Tryon
SVP of Logistics,

Verifying phone numbers is part of comprehensive contact data management

To get the most out of your customer contact data, you need a complete data quality management strategy. Validating phone numbers is a great way to start managing your contact data for more effective business communications. See how a comprehensive data quality management program uses validated phone, email, and address data to make your business more efficient.

Why Experian data quality

We offer comprehensive data management solutions that help our clients thrive. See how we can help you:


Connect your data across disparate channels and systems to eliminate duplicate entries and achieve a Golden Record


Verify phone numbers to improve your telemarketing campaigns and comply with federal regulations.


Improve email marketing performance and protect your sender reputation.


Increase the effectiveness of targeted marketing campaigns with a better understanding of your customers’ key attributes.


Are you ready to take the next step to data quality maturity? 
We'll help you cleanse, standardize, and enhance your data to make sure you get the most out of your information.


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Learn more about how Experian Data Quality can be your data quality partner.

250+ countries and territories covered

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