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Experian Data Quality for Oracle CRM On Demand

Ninety-seven percent of businesses today rely on good data to power opportunities. Ensure that your Oracle CRM On Demand application is working with the best possible customer data. Seemingly small address errors dilute data quality and ultimately hurt sales, marketing, and operational productivity. 

Product highlights:

  • Verifies and standardizes addresses in real time
  • Global address verification for over 240 countries and territories
  • Leverages multiple address search engines to adapt to unique user searches
  • Enables you to build a robust customer profile

How it works:

Experian Data Quality for Oracle CRM On Demand works throughout all Account, Contact, and Lead record address fields. Upon enabling our address verification engine, a search button feature will immediately be available.

Users can utilize this search button to invoke the Experian Data Quality address verification engine, which immediately validates entered addresses in real time and prompts the user to make any required changes if the address is incorrect.

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