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Drive value from your data

The value of big data in the telecommunications sector

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The telecommunications sector has changed significantly over the last several years. Companies that can adopt and adapt new practices have the ability to continue to be industry leaders. Many telecommunication companies find that they have poor data quality and do not have the time to manually mine and fix all of their data. These companies find that this process is very time consuming and costly but don’t seem to have a system in place to correct this poor data. Other telecommunication companies are aware of these data quality issues and try to manage this problem but do not see this as a high priority.

Telecommunications companies cannot afford to NOT effectively use the data they have at their fingertips.

Many telecommunications have been through mergers or acquisitions with several different operators of data and data systems, so it is inevitable to have a messy data set. But being proactive and cleaning up your data set will set you apart from others in your industry.

By improving your operations and data set, you will, in turn, develop stronger opportunities for your organization.

How can you compete with other industry leaders?

Talk to you customers, learn, and listen. Understand what customers are looking for and products or solutions that can be leveraged to satisfy their needs. Establishing a stronger relationship with customers will create a stronger customer experience, making you a favorable contender among the competition.


Creating an accurate and up to date database will enable you to not only mine your data but also enable future business success. Having accurate data will allow you to collect, merge and analyze data from multifarious data sets. A holistic view of your data will also allow you to look at customers on an individual level, to predict customer behavior and better tailor marketing efforts. Having accurate data will also allow you to effectively forecast and generate real-time views into your database. 

Combat your data challenges. Make real-time decisions.

Revamp and freshen your database

Reduce the rate of bounced emails

Connect on the first touch

Enhance your current database

Dedupe and merge your database

Leverage your data's value

Data quality resources

Creating a data strategy

Developing and building a data management strategy from the ground up can be an overwhelming task. In this whitepaper, you will better understand how to develop a data management program that will benefit your organization and its needs. You will learn how to break down the steps to building and implementing a successful data management framework. 

The smartphone story

With technology and industries rapidly evolving, the smartphone revolution is changing how everyone from baby boomers to millennials are doing business. In this whitepaper, you will learn how these technological advances are affecting all verticals. Other takeaways will include ways to better optimize your data collection and how to incorporate different marketing strategies to better fit your landscape. 

Dive deeper into your data

Let Experian help your organization optimize capital, increase productivity, all while saving you money. Let us find a solution for you that will capture data in a format that is more conducive to your environment and set a positive tone for your customers by modernizing the user experience.


Contact us to learn more!