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Data quality for the public sector

Manage your data quality to improve services and increase efficiency.

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Federal, state, and local government agencies have a common mission: to provide the best services for their constituents while also keeping costs in check. Providing the best experience necessitates access to high-quality and relevant information. Although public sector agencies receive constant streams of information from a myriad of sources, a lack of standardization and overall data quality issues can make it hard to use.

No matter the size of your agency, good data governance is critical to your ability to meet your constituents’ needs. To that end, many agencies are undergoing modernization projects with the intent to increase their utilization of data resources. By measuring and managing the quality of your contact information, you can ensure that you’re delivering an excellent experience, communicating effectively, and reducing operating costs—all things that keep constituents happy.

Is your agency ready for CCWIS?

If you are planning to adopt CCWIS standards, our suite of data quality solutions can significantly ease your CCWIS compliance efforts. We help agencies of all sizes with everything from digital transformation and data migration projects to better data profiling and monitoring. Let us empower you so that you can better meet federal regulations, streamline manual processes, and improve your case data management

Be compliant and improve your processes

We can help you with...

Data migration

Modernization projects can mean lots of time, money, and stress on your agency. Our powerful data migration solution, can help you profile, cleanse, and standardize your data in preparation for a data conversion, shaving weeks or even months off of your project timeline.

Data quality management

Bring the power of your data into the hands of those who use it most: your business users. With our data quality management platform’s user-friendly design, built-in rules, and robust data management capabilities, you can access and analyze your agency’s data more efficiently than ever before.

Data matching

With a single view of your constituents, you can deliver products and services more efficiently. Our robust matching engine intelligently discovers links between your contact records, allowing you to identify and remove duplicates and suppress records that you cannot use.

Data enrichment

Unlock greater understanding of your constituents with a variety of information types. With insight into their demographic, behavioral, household, life event, and geographic information, you can provide a more personalized experience.

Email verification

Email is an efficient way to communicate with constituents, however bounced emails can quickly become a headache. With our email verification solution, you can instantly identify whether an email address is valid and deliverable using our real-time,  automated, or one-off list cleanse solutions.

Address verification

Reach your constituents the first time you mail them. With our address validation, you can cleanse your customer records against the latest U.S. Postal Service® (USPS) address data in real-time, in automated batches, or one-off list cleanses.

NCOA processing

On average, 14 to 18 percent of your constituents will change addresses in a given year. With our NCOALink® processing, you can ensure your address database is up to date by searching through the USPS® change-of-address form (COA®) for the past 48 months.

Phone verification

When it comes to reaching your residents quickly, picking up the phone is still the gold standard. Our phone verification solution lets you validate phone numbers as they are being collected across any channel. We can tell you if a number is for a mobile or landline, which is critical for compliance.

Did you know...

of government agencies believe increasing regulation has driven their need for better data analytics and management

of government agencies believe inaccurate data is undermining their ability to provide an excellent customer experience

of government agencies have a desire to turn data into insight

of government agencies see data as an integral part of forming a business strategy

5 steps to improve your approach to data quality

Millions of Americans rely on federal and state services for help with basic needs, such as healthcare, housing, food, and transportation. Smaller program budgets mean more has to be done with less. Reduced spend on IT has created an environment in which siloed databases and inaccurate information can make it difficult to provide services across programs. Read more about the five steps you can take to improve your approach to data quality and gain a better view into your programs.

Read more

Experience the power of accurate & reliable data

Get the most out of your contact data with validation solutions that will allow those in the public sector industry to:

  • Improve customer interaction rates with accurate contact data
  • Remove the need to manually update or fix incorrect data
  • Increase employee productivity with tools that let them handle more customers.

Ready to improve your business with accurate data? Contact us today to learn more about our data validation products and services!


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