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Email triggering

What is email triggering?

You can capture a customer’s attention by sending them an automated email after certain events. These events are called triggers because they tell your email system that it’s time to send the automated email.

Email triggering is the process of creating automated emails and choosing which events activate those emails. You can create triggered messages for a variety of events or circumstances—from welcome messages for new subscribers to special offers for a customer’s birthday. Using triggers can make your email marketing more effective. Triggering helps increase open rates, keeps your brand relevant in overcrowded inboxes, and saves time as you tailor messaging to customers.

See the real-time email verification tool

What is a triggered email?

A triggered email is an email that is sent to a customer or subscriber after a triggering event. When a customer meets a trigger, such as abandoning a shopping cart or signing up for an event, your email automation system sends them an email related to the situation. This automatic message is a triggered email because it’s only sent if a customer activates a certain trigger. Automated emails that you schedule aren’t triggered emails because you’re proactively reaching out instead of waiting for the customer to meet specific conditions.

Trigger email examples

You can use an email trigger for almost any specific event. Common triggers are transactions. A customer purchases an item from your online store. This triggers an email confirming their purchase. When the item ships, your email system sends another email letting the customer know when to expect their item.

Related links:

Learn more about Experian Data Quality's email verification tool.

Clean your email list in real-time.