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Bulk email verification

Make sure you’re reaching recipients by validating your email lists in bulk before sending an email

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Batch email validator for business

Have your recent email campaigns produced a higher number of bounced emails? If so, when was the last time you checked the email addresses in your lists?

There are many reasons someone might change their email address, but when it happens, your list suddenly becomes less accurate. Regularly checking the accuracy of your email lists can help stop bounced emails and allow you to reach your customers.

You can speed up the email verification process by using a bulk email validator. Validating emails in bulk cuts down on the time it takes to check each address by hand and lets you focus on the immediate needs of your business.

Benefits of bulk email verification

When you use bulk email verification, you gain many benefits for your business. With this process, all emails are checked, which allows your sales team, customer service representatives, and others to all have access to correct email addresses. The solution covers your list at every point in the process and with all marketing tools and platforms. You avoid email triggers that can get your business blacklisted by email providers.

Your employees don’t use valuable time updating email addresses, and they don’t have to do the work to find a current email address if the one listed is inaccurate.

Our solution also works with all kinds of emails, including international addresses. As more companies are global in nature, this becomes an important consideration for the bottom line. You don’t want to fail to reach any customers. Email is a top method of converting leads, which is why it is important to have accurate data to improve your business's bottom line.

Three reasons to use batch email verification

Bulk email verification helps reduce bounced emails and spam traps, but how does that help your organization overall?

Here are some key benefits to validating your email lists in batches:

Save time

How many emails are on your lists—hundreds, thousands? Going through and checking each one by hand could take days or weeks. That’s time an employee won’t be working on other projects. Bulk validation is a lot faster than manually checking your email addresses.

Save money

If you pay for an email marketing service, you want each subscriber on your list to be a real customer who’s likely to make a purchase. Validating your email list in bulk gets rid of unwanted emails that could be costing you money. You’ll save money and open up more room on your lists for real, paying customers.

Improve sender reputation

Email service providers give you a sender reputation score as you send emails. The more emails that make it through to inboxes, the better your score. Validating your email lists regularly helps you stay on the good side of email service providers.

Online bulk email verifier

Experian’s real-time email verification tools make it easy to validate emails and to maintain an accurate list. Upload your lists to our secure website and our program starts checking your emails right away. We’ll return your list with emails that are formatted correctly for a better delivery rate on your next email campaign.

You can even schedule regular email list cleaning for the most up-to-date lists. Online bulk validation makes it easy to keep your lists accurate as people on your list change emails.


See how bulk email verification improves data quality.

The benefits of Experian’s bulk email validator don’t stop with accurate email addresses. When you have the correct email address for a customer, you’re also getting more accurate data on their preferences. As you collect better data, you can make more informed business decisions based on your data. Verifying your email lists can help you reach your target audience each time you set up an email campaign.

Learn more about improving your data quality with Experian’s bulk email checker and other data validation tools. See how our data management systems can help your business by setting up a free trial today.