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Test addresses

Test addresses are used to confirm whether or not a data update has been successfully carried out. They are unique to the vintage and type of dataset installed, and help to visually confirm a successful data update.

You can retrieve a test address for your dataset by selecting your dataset below. To check for data update success, enter the relevant test address for the correct vintage of your dataset into your Experian product. If the address is returned then you have successfully updated your data.

Historical test addresses are also retrievable using the system below. This is useful in identifying the vintage of your dataset.

Some test addresses may not return DataPlus information as they are so new. Also, Experian DataPlus sets do not have test addresses.

Select the name of your data update:

Data expiry dates

It is important to apply your update promptly to ensure you are getting the most up to date coverage of address data and, in turn, the greatest business benefits. Experian data is designed to stop working if updates are not performed on time. Please refer to the expiry dates given for each dataset vintage to ensure you have performed your latest updates before the data is due to stop working.

Please note: the expiry period may vary for each dataset.

Select the name of your data update:

Data release schedule

Performing regular data updates is an integral part of an effective data quality strategy for any organisation. Experian datasets are shipped to customers at different times of the year, and in differing cycles. To help customers effectively plan their data updates Experian provides a shipping schedule for all datasets, listing current and future shipping dates.

Please note: Release information for Experian DataPlus sets are not included as their release schedule is the same as the country dataset they belong to. For example, the GBR CodePoint Dataplus set is shipped at the same time as the GBR - Quarterly data update. The Update Date refers to the raw data release date / vintage and it can take between 4-8 weeks to complete the shipment of our data depending on the frequency and coverage. For more information on our data production process click here.

To retrieve the shipping dates for your Experian datasets, please select the country dataset below.

Select the name of your data update:

Data update frequencies

Update name Frequency
APR/APX Six Weekly Custom
AUE Quarterly
AUG Quarterly
AUS Monthly
AUS Quarterly
BEL Quarterly
CAN Monthly
CAN CorrectAddress Monthly
CHE Quarterly
DEU Quarterly
DNK Quarterly
ESP Quarterly
FIN Bi-Monthly
FRA/FRP/FRX Bi-Monthly
GBR Monthly
GBR Quarterly
International Data Quarterly
IRE Quarterly
IRL Quarterly
LUX Annually
NLD Quarterly
NOR Quarterly
NZL Quarterly
NZL PreSort Monthly
SGF Quarterly
SWE Annually
UK Monthly
UK Quarterly
USA Monthly
USA CorrectAddress Monthly
USA TIGER/Line Annually
WLS Quarterly