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Metro 2® - Credit bureau reporting software

DataArc 360TM is an agnostic solution that helps furnishers establish and strengthen risk controls to better comply with regulations through trusted data, improved accuracy, and integrity of Metro 2® files

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Created by the Consumer Data Industry Association (CDIA), Metro 2®provides a standardized methodology that data furnishers adhere to when submitting consumer credit information to the credit bureaus. It is designed to help data contributors provide quality consumer credit data and comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

Whether you’re a bank, credit union, credit card company, retailer, energy company, or other credit furnisher, accurate consumer credit data is important to comply with regulations and protect consumers.

DataArc 360TM is an agnostic solution powered by Aperture Data Studio, our data quality platform. This user-friendly solution is complete with pre-built rules to help furnishers establish preventative and detective controls to better assess their Metro 2® file and understand risk tolerance across the business. 

Improve risk controls:

High data quality

Correct more data quality issues and understand the root causes of those issues using the DataArc 360 dashboard and drill down functionality.  

Improved accuracy

Streamline your process with this user-friendly solution. Automation allows you to go from file upload to reviewing results quickly and securely.  

Integrity of file

DataArc 360™ allows you to check the numerous requirements for your Metro 2® file with pre-codified rules that yield transparent pass and fail results.  

DataArc 360™ is available on premise, combining self-service data quality and globally curated data sets. With over 130 pre-built rules, this solution can help furnishers strategically assess their Metro 2® file and customize their rule set based on the needs of their operation.  

DataArc 360™ is available in a hosted multi-tenant environment that provides over 100 pre-built rules and can be deployed quickly, seeing faster time to value. This deployment is fully managed on the cloud and supported by Experian 

Accurate reporting to the credit bureaus

Be Proactive

DataArc 360TM enables furnishers to proactively analyze their data

Data reporting accuracy

Proactively helps you with your Metro2® reporting 

Quickly Fix Issues

Identify and resolve your data issues quickly with alerts and a customizable dashboard


Today’s environment is highly regulated. Learn how Experian can help you trust your data so you can better comply with regulations.


Learn more in our white paper

Data monitoring

Combing through data to make sure it's accurate requires a commitment of time and resources. With our automatic monitoring, control your data from anywhere. Customize data processes to your needs with a combination of alerts, dashboards, and rules, to ensure your data is fit for purpose.

Take the work out of data monitoring 

Data profiling

You can help highlight opportunities and detect outliers or unusual values within your data with Experian’s Aperture Data Studio’s profiling capabilities. This tool can help you proactively identify problems with your data. Our data profiling capabilities can help you better understand your customers and highlight any defects in your dataset. 

Tour our data profiling solutions 

Full feature set

DataArc 360TM  can give you more confidence that your files are accurate and FCRA-compliant. Check out how your institution can benefit from DataArc 360TM.

Data quality is just one piece of the data management puzzle.

Find out how our data management tool can help you today.

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Quit wasting business time and money on disputes, fines, and noncompliant data. Consumer credit reporting accuracy matters.

DataArc 360TM can help you identify data issues as they happen and empower you to remedy them, rather than spending time reactively solving data quality problems.

Fill out the form to get connected with a team member who can help you learn more about our data management tool today!