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Data migration solutions

Modernize your data systems and take charge of your data migration projects with Experian's data migration software.

Start your data migration

Simplify data migration with the right tools

Data migration is the process of transferring data between storage types, formats, or computer systems. By consolidating your data, you create a holistic view of what your true database looks like, which gives you the opportunity to understand what gaps you currently have in your data. Successful data migration is a must in the following cases:

  • Launching new systems
  • System upgrades
  • Data projects
  • Mergers
  • Acquisitions
  • De-mergers
  • Buyouts
  • Regulatory changes

Data migration software helps you make a seamless transition so you can gain meaningful insight from your data, reduce inefficiencies, and effectively connect with customers, even through significant business changes.

You can’t afford to lose valuable time and resources fixing data mistakes during key business transformations. Data migration tools keep you going without a hitch. When done right, users can access relevant and accurate data more easily, enhancing customer insights, improving operational efficiency and ensuring compliance with regulations. Altogether, you can maintain confidence in your decision-making and, ultimately, grow your bottom line.

Experience powerful data migration solutions

The secret to data migration success lies in planning and upfront data analysis. Having a strategy early on can help you avoid complexities and shave off unnecessary costs. For best results, your plan should involve a Pre-Migration Impact Assessment (PMIA), which will identify the people, processes, and technology you need to get the most out of your migration efforts.

Our data migration solutions help you reduce the associated risks with traditional data migration projects, shorten project timelines, and keep your costs under control. By focusing on the quality of your data, your migration will provide better results. Experian’s tools will help you do the following:

Simplify my data migration

  • Pre-plan for the success of any data migration project.
  • Create a structured plan, identify key project resources, and conduct a landscape analysis
  • Conduct thorough testing is critical before deploying a data migration project.

Target and eliminate data migration failures

of respondents see data quality issues as the biggest challenge related to data migration projects

of organizations have challenges migrating due to too many data sources.

cite an inability to use new systems because of data migration challenges.

* Source: 2018 Global Research Report

Complete your data migration with quality data

of data migrations fail every year due to unforeseen challenges. These challenges can result in project delays and failures. Data migration solutions can help you address and prevent all of the following issues:

  • Failures due to a lack of planning and data quality issues.
  • Lack of data standardization with data formats can be challenging to solve.
  • Challenges that cause delays and budget overages.
  • Insufficient talent, labor, tools, and budget can hinder success.
  • A lack of preparation regarding timelines, resources, and budget.

Master data quality for a seamless data migration

When you migrate your databases, you will likely find gaps in your data, from a disconnected view of your customers to inaccuracies across your records. To find these flaws before migrating your data, start your migration project with data quality checks. Quality checks include standardizing, matching, profiling, and validating your data to increase your ROI on your data migration initiative.

Get started 


Ease Your Data Migration Burden

Remove the barriers from your data migration efforts. Experian’s whitepaper, “Ease Your Data Migration Burden,” illustrates migration challenges and helps you devise a thoughtful and dynamic strategy for success.

Read the whitepaper

Propel your business forward with the right tools


Data standardization

Build a set of standardization rules to keep data formatted consistently across the organization and eliminate inconsistent formatting.

Organize my data 

Data profiling

Analyze your data for consistency, uniqueness, and logic. Our solution will help you identify where issues exist and how to resolve them.

Get to know your data


Lean on reliable data migration solutions for undeniable results

Data migration is a crucial process for any business at some point. If done improperly, you could lose important data and disrupt valuable business processes. Experian will help you improve your data quality and simplify your data migration experience.

Whether you’re analyzing data, performing a root cause analysis, or building out migration rules, we can help. Our easy-to-use data migration tools help you maintain quality data from the beginning stages of a migration to the end. Meanwhile, our technical and non-technical staff are available to collaborate with you to properly analyze and successfully migrate your data.