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Data management for the modern business

Good data management drives your business forward

Talk to us about managing your data

Investing in data management improves business outcomes

Data management is the strategic asset that can help you win in the marketplace. Yet, while many organizations sit on a trove of valuable data, most are unable to leverage it to its full potential due to organizational silos and inaccurate or incomplete records. As the volume, velocity, and variety of data entering your organization continues to increase, it begs the question: When organizations can’t keep up, what happens? Poor data quality, a lack of trust in data, and impacted business decisions. With a comprehensive data management strategy, you can ensure your organization’s most valuable resource is available when you need it.

Why is data management important?

  • Establishes trust in your data now and moving forward
  • Allows you to make accurate business decisions
  • Delivers a strong and positive customer experience
  • Boosts your bottom line by eliminating manual data tasks

Data Management Stats

of organizations see impacts in their organization from poor data quality

of current customer or prospect data is believed to be inaccurate in some way

of companies face challenges in how they manage data

* Source: Top 10 data management stats for 2018

Data management and data quality

Data powers your organization , and the quality of that data underpins the success of your business initiatives. Strong data quality efforts lead to accurate, standardized data you can derive greater insights from and help you make decisions with confidence. Quality data is the backbone to your data management efforts that will help you deliver a superior customer experience, gain a competitive advantage, and move your business forward.

Learn more about data quality management

Poor data in means poor data insights out

consequences of poor data management and data quality

5 FAQs about data management

Do you want to improve your data management efforts, or just get started? From resources to strategic decision-making, we cover five frequently asked questions about data management in this infographic.

Get the data management infographic

Activate the full potential of your data management

A strong data management program requires the right people, processes, and technology. Our data quality management software provides foundational data quality capabilities for any data management endeavor, including transformation, standardization, validation, correction, and deduplication.

Whether you’re investing in a new customer relationship management platform, implementing a master data management strategy, creating a single customer view, or enhancing business intelligence, we can help set you on the path to success.