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Why every business needs customer data verification

Ashly Arndt

If you’ve considered adding verification solutions to your business operations but have been hesitant to make the commitment, you should consider all the advantages you’re missing out on. Data provides your business with powerful insights that allow you to understand and reach your audience in the most effective manner. But, you’ll only reap these benefits when you have accurate and reliable data—which customer data verification solutions can supply. Let’s take a closer look at the advantages of data verification for your organization.

Does my business need customer data verification?

Every business needs data verification for its customers regardless of location, size, or industry. If you don’t have programs in place to check data quality automatically, you could end up amounting errors that cost time and money.

The importance of customer verification cannot be overstated. Databases and lead lists are only as valuable as the information provided since you can’t build your sales pipeline with inaccurate or unreliable data. You also can’t create accurate reports unless they are based on validated facts. Think about the challenges that come from calling a phone number that has been disconnected or sending a message to an email address that comes back as undeliverable. In the end, you’re likely to find that you could have saved yourself—and your organization—from wasting your time and resources by investing in verification services.

Inaccurate data doesn’t just impact a business when it comes to gaining new customers. It can also make serving those customers difficult to reach in the future when you need to contact someone about an order or to reconnect with them for a new product. For a large business, manually correcting inaccurate entries is impossible. Not correcting the data isn’t an option since the consequences of poor-quality information only stop when they’re addressed and resolved.

Common problems that occur with inaccurate customer data

When your customer data is inaccurate, it can cause many issues for your business. To start, you’ll likely experience delayed contact with a customer or lead as you search for the correct contact information. You may assume that your emails, mailings, or outreach initiatives are being ignored when they simply aren’t being received in the first place.

Another issue with invalid data is that it costs time and money for the person to validate it manually. They may spend a significant amount of time trying to find the correct data when an automated data verification solution can validate and correct multiple data sets in moments. Having this issue throughout the organization or with multiple customers can result in poor employee morale. Instead of spending their time communicating with leads and gaining new business, they are hunting down correct data. The better choice for your business is to invest in data quality integrations that allow you to verify the information for use throughout the organization.

One of the biggest problems that come with untrustworthy data is the poor perception of your business for customers. They may feel they can’t trust your business with their purchases if they can’t trust you to have their information correct the first time around. If you send a package to the wrong address and it never arrives to the customer, they may become frustrated at having to spend extra time contacting your company for a replacement. Solutions such as address verification for businesses serve as a preventative measure that improves your bottom line and enhances efficiency by preventing these issues from arising.

Remember that a poor reputation is often hard to overcome. An example of this is when you have a bad email address for a customer. Your emails don’t reach the sender, which causes your business to have a higher bounce rate. You could end up with a bad reputation with your email provider, which can lead to getting blacklisted. When your company is blacklisted, the emails go to the customers’ spam folders, which means they are less likely to see them. Email validation can save you from this hassle and ensure you’re reaching your intended audience with ease.

Benefits of verified customer information for sales and marketing teams

When customer information is verified, your sales and marketing teams are better prepared to do their jobs. They don’t waste time trying to connect with leads through outdated information. Just imagine the frustration of getting a lead and not being able to get in touch with them because the phone number has been disconnected or the email you keep sending continues to fail to deliver. If this person is a top lead, the marketing team must try to find the correct information on their own, which takes time. Other times, the lead is lost. 

Validated customer data allows you to make sure everyone who needs the information has it. You don’t have to worry about passing the corrected data onto the next person to touch the funnel. Customers get a better impression of your business when they receive accurate information, which inspires trust. The end result is improved customer satisfaction because of a positive experience. 

When customer contact information has been verified, you can reach your customers quickly. For instance, you may be dealing with a customer issue through email. To resolve it in a more efficient way, you could call the customer on the phone. If you have the wrong phone number, there may be a delay in dealing with the issue or you may need to take another, slower and less efficient, route for communication. Phone verification software allows you to quickly validate numbers, both in real-time and batch, so that you can effectively avoid these prospective problems and free up both your employees’ and consumers’ time—boosting your efficiency and keeping your customers happy as a result. 

How businesses are using customer data to improve their bottom line

Customer data has become a critical part of every business’ bottom line. Businesses can collect data that tells them more about their customers, which allows them to provide a more personalized experience. They can use the information they glean to upsell additional products or services and to provide targeted marketing to customers. 

As businesses use customer data to become more efficient and effective at communication, they can increase sales and improve customer loyalty. In the end, accurate data helps to improve the customer experience, which is a win-win situation for both the customer and the business. 

If you want to experience the benefits of customer verification services, see for yourself how our data solutions can clean up your lists and provide accurate data for all your customers.  

Try our free address verification demo