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What is reverse phone append?

Ashly Arndt

An astonishing 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated daily—which means a good deal of customer information is evolving every day, too1. Regardless of the industry you work within, your business’s ability to stay ahead of its customers’ ever-shifting data will play a pivotal role in its ability to remain on top in today’s competitive market.

While many companies understand the significance of capturing and leveraging customer data through efficient processes, some are left wondering how to keep pace with their available consumer data—especially when starting off with limited available information at hand. For instance, how do you navigate filling out a consumer’s profile with just a phone number—a single piece of data that lacks further insight?

Fortunately, with reverse phone append, you can form an entire customer identify and build a more data-driven approach to your customer lifestyle with just a phone number to start. Let’s take a look at how this is made possible with this data solution below.

What is reverse phone append?

Every year, millions of people swap their phone carriers, change their phone numbers, relocate, and legally change their name. Reverse phone append is an API solution that helps businesses address these pain points that may manifest as a barrier in quickly accessing key consumer data. And the process is as simple as attaching a person’s name and postal address information to a phone number in real time.

Remember that customer data is like a puzzle in that a few missing pieces can obstruct your view of the image at large. When you have all of the pieces necessary to connect who your clients are and how you can best reach them, it makes it easier to deliver a seamless experience.

How it works

How does a reverse phone append solution work? Put simply, the service uses a phone number input via API or a list of phone numbers in batch and outputs a matched individual, including key data such as the customer’s name, address, email, and date of birth. Essentially, reverse phone append creates a complete identify from a single, fractional identifier.

Powered by trusted data, reverse phone append is offered in two ways:

· Bureau service: after receiving a list of customer phone numbers, a name and address is appended to this database and sent back to the business requesting additional data

· Real-time API: after entering a customer’s phone number in real time, a name and address is automatically populated in form fields and verified with the consumer

When a business can attach a name and address to a user, their ability to connect with this individual expands significantly, which has a trickledown effect on direct mail, email, and other lines of communication and marketing. Essentially, appending addition data to a user’s profile makes it easier to navigate your business’s marketing and operational tactics given this more comprehensive consumer view.

The top three benefits of reverse phone append

Let’s look into some of the major benefits Experian’s Reverse Phone Append provides to users and how these perks can be utilized in your company’s everyday operations:

1.) Enhanced customer satisfaction

As a consumer, think about your likelihood to invest in a business that offers an effortless experience. Not only do customers often feel a greater sense of ease in knowing that retailers and businesses have their correct information on hand, but they also are likely to enjoy shorter call times. With just a mere phone number, call representatives can pull key client information—freeing up their time to focus on the customers’ needs and the true purpose of the call.

2.) Efficient allocation of employee time

Not every consumer inquiry requires a live human interaction. For instance, when customers want to finalize billing or get an update on account balances, they may just need to verify their identify to access the information they desire. With the assistance of Reverse Phone Append, businesses find that matching appended data to existing customers can increase containment rate—the percentage of users who can address their needs by interacting with an automated service alone.

Identifying a customer in real time in a call center means clients may not have to speak to a live agent to get the answers they’re seeking. In essence, this is a benefit that not only frees up the consumers’ time spent on the phone, but the employees as well. Containing more users in the interactive voice response system (IVR)— an IVR system is used to automate calls—is a win-win that prevents consumers and employees from spending their time in an unproductive manner.

3.) Strengthened data quality

Not only does enhancing your data quality result in more accurate information at the point of data entry, but it also saves your business from investing valuable resources and time in correcting future data quality issues.

This is especially true for engagement with current and prospective customers via phone, where representatives try to speedily record a client’s information with the hopes of smoothly moving along the call and keeping the customer content. Reverse phone append removes this need for additional data entry by granting users access to a complete database at their fingertips. Because the customer representative automatically receives a name and an address after filling in the phone number, poor data quality issues that may arise from human error are significantly minimized.

Why it matters for your business

In today’s market, there is an increasing need for enrichment information—specifically surrounding phone numbers. With our Reverse Phone Append solution, our customers have enjoyed match rates ranging from 50 to 80 percent. What does this mean for you? With access to higher match rates, you can confidently create a more personalized consumer experience with individuals who were once unidentified or who lacked a more comprehensive customer profile.

Unlock a more inclusive view of your consumers with access to just a single piece of information—their phone number.

See how our Reverse Phone Append can transform your business’s ability to connect with new and existing clients.

Get started today

Sources: Vuleta, Branka. (2021, January 28). How Much Data Is Created Every Day?