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Top 6 ways data quality can help utilities personalize the customer experience

Suzanne Pomposello

With deregulation across the utilities industry, it is more important than ever to understand your customers. Here at Experian, we can help.

Our solutions can give you a better sense of the customer information you have and provide you with additional data attributes. This will help your organization gain a better picture of who your customers are, and therefore personalize each customer interaction through enhanced insights.

We have identified the six ways in which data quality can help you improve processes and personalize the customer experience.

1.) Getting a holistic view of your data.

Using a data management platform will allow you to take a holistic approach to your data. This will allow your organization to eliminate silos in the data and see across legacy platforms for functions like reporting and decisioning. By looking at data holistically, you leave nothing to chance when it comes to reporting and compliance.

2.) Gaining a 360-degree customer view. 

Understanding who your customers are at an individual level is a key component of determining your ideal customer profile. Enriching your current customer data is a way to achieve this 360-degree customer view. Having a complete customer picture enables successful communications because you are engaging with the right customers, in the right way, at the right time.

3.) Improving customer experience. 

A tool like a reverse phone append can assist in creating a better customer experience.

For example, when a customer calls in, a representative can enter in the customer’s phone number, and immediately pull confirmed owner name and billing information. This can link to existing customer records and identify new clients. Being able to quickly pull up a full customer record based on a phone number will lead to reduced call and handling times, creating a more valuable customer experience overall. In addition, it will increase containment success rate in the self-service portal.

4.) Expediting onboarding processes. 

Utilizing contact data validation leads to increased efficiency for traditional onboarding processes. The process of searching service records addresses, validating billing addresses, and validating emails can all be done in real-time. This means you can be certain customers are receiving vital communications, and that employee time can be allocated to more valuable or impactful projects.

5.) Enhancing customer communication. 

It is certainly important to have accurate contact data; it is even more beneficial to put that information to use to enhance customer communication. It is beneficial to append email addresses, postal addresses, and phone numbers if the customer record is missing any one of these pieces of information, so that there are no gaps in customer communication. Appending contact information will ensure timely and effective delivery of alerts, notifications, billing information, and more, whether it’s via mail, email, or a phone call or text message.

6.) Adhering to TCPA compliance. 

Ensuring your organization is TCPA compliant is another area in which having a data quality solution in place proves valuable. We can help by offering solutions that can provide ownership information as well as phone type based on a customer’s phone number. Furthermore, it is able to monitor and flag ownership changes, which means this comprehensive solution helps to make sure your organization is checking the TCPA compliance box.

Does your organization engage in these best practices to personalize the customer experience? We can help.

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