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To the Women of the World

This morning, a group of women in our office gathered together for a photo. But, as I looked around the room, I realized that this photo had a lot more to say than simply a picture of us in our kitchen up on the 19th floor. This photo holds women of all ages, backgrounds, interests, and job titles, all of whom work at a technology company. From software engineers to the VP of Global Product Marketing, these women are making careers for themselves in a field where, for women, that isn’t all too common.

I paused while in that room and smiled, thinking that beyond this family of women who supports our team here at EDQ, they all hold so many titles beyond their job role. Some are recent college graduates, some are athletes, some hold MBAs, some are mothers, some are global travelers, some teach yoga, some are avid readers, and this list only goes on. They are unified by a passion for Experian Data Quality.  These women all show up every day to learn and grow in a field that is rapidly innovating, and they are a part of that change.  

As I look around, I am reminded of the power of connection. I see all that these women are and will be, and the ways in which they inspire. Whether it is through a mentorship program, where a senior will guide a younger employee just beginning in their professional career, or having discussions over our passions over lunch, or providing new insights on life both in and out of the office, all the women in the room have incredible things to offer. Let us also not forget that it is the smaller moments—when one of these women encourages you in your role, gives you a hand on the day that your list of deadlines is over flowing, or maybe steps out to grab a quick (and much needed) coffee with you—that means just as much. These women not only support the mission of Experian Data Quality, but they support one another, as we continue to grow ourselves and in our roles as women in the technology space.

On this International Women’s Day, we would like to honor the women of the world, who are making their way, through their careers, their passions, and their lives, and who continue to inspire. From all of us at EDQ, thank you.