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The value of data to retailers at IRCE

This week I had the opportunity to join leading marketing and Ecommerce professionals at the Internet Retail Conference & Exhibition (IRCE) show in Chicago, Illinois. While the windy city may be known for its beloved Cubs, Blackhawks, and deep dish pizza, this week it became the pinnacle of Ecommerce. Thousands of industry professionals attended to collaborate and discuss some of the problems they face and some of the innovative things they’re working on. While this show had a multitude of businesses attending, it was clear that consumer-centric organizations were king.

What initially became apparent in my conversations is that companies today are still struggling with making sense of their data. Operations, Marketing, Finance, and Sales are all negatively affected by poor data management and without strong partners these companies are left in the dark when it comes to making important strategic decisions.

I also experienced many organizations who came to the Experian booth had a high level understanding of who we are as a credit bureau & credit services company. What they didn’t know (but quickly found out) was that Experian Data Quality can serve as a strategic partner, helping to drive success of many major data-driven projects. Proper data capture, contact data acquisition, and holistic data management were some of the common themes among my discussions on the floor.

Above all, one topic of conversation seemed to be on the minds of nearly every consumer business: customer-centric marketing. These organizations saw value in how Experian Data Quality can help them understand their customers to more effectively personalize messaging for customer acquisition and retention. The power of Experian’s ConsumerviewSM file and the subject matter experts we have available here are unparalleled and that resonated with many.

Lastly, companies were comforted by our commitment to quality as an original source compiler. They were impressed by the breadth and depth of coverage and our willingness to partner and strategize…not just sell. As many marketers know, finding a third-party data source you can trust can be difficult. Marketers were comforted to hear about the vetting that we, at Experian, put into collecting, maintaining, and securing our data file for quality and privacy purposes. It was refreshing to hear what others are doing in the space and how we differ and exceed their capabilities.

Are you looking to improve your marketing or Ecommerce strategy by enriching your customer data? We are here to help, we are here to innovate, and we are here to help you win!

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