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The 2024 holiday readiness guide for retailers

Ashly Arndt

This holiday, seasonal holiday sales for US retailers are predicted to reach over $1.3 trillion—an astonishing 4.8% increase from last year1. And while this stat may seem enticing, it’s also crucial to prepare your business for the potential challenges posed by this increase in demand, strengthened customer expectations, and an increasingly competitive market. Fortunately, this is where data quality management and validation come into play.  

In this guide, we’ll discuss the importance of data in your upcoming holiday strategy while providing you with tips that can help make this upcoming season your most successful yet. 

Why data is the cornerstone of operational holiday success

Every year, the bar is raised for shoppers. Not only do they have high expectations for the holiday season itself, but they also expect more out of retailers every year, too. And if that wasn’t enough to convince you of the importance of impressing your prospects, consider the fact that 73% of consumers will abandon a brand after three or fewer negative experiences with your brand.2  This means that prepping your website, your inventory, and most importantly—your data integrity—is a non-negotiable part of formulating your business strategy.   

How leveraging data can transform your seasonal strategy 

From validating customer addresses to ensuring proper email verification procedures, data processes and accuracy are key streamlining your operations and enhancing customer experiences. Here’s a look at 5 tips to keep in mind when leveraging data to transform your holiday strategy. 

Data accuracy optimizes marketing campaigns

Effective marketing is all about reaching the right people with the right message at the right time. During the holiday season, this is especially crucial. Now, also imagine sending out holiday promotions that miss the mark or, worse, never reach your customers. That’s a recipe for disappointment and wasted resources.  

Accurate data benefits your company twofold because not only is it your ally in crafting targeted, effective marketing campaigns that truly resonate, but it also ensures your messaging is delivered correctly the first time around. How do you achieve this? Let’s take a look at key data tools that are pivotal to marketing campaign success:

  1. Email validation: Ensuring your email list is up-to-date helps prevent bounced messages and ensures your promotional materials reach your intended audience. This not only improves engagement rates but also protects your sender reputation.
  2. Address validation: Accurate address data ensures that your promotional mailers and catalogues reach the right destinations. Misdelivered mail can lead to missed opportunities and wasted resources.
  3. Phone validation: Valid phone numbers help your customer service teams connect with shoppers efficiently, whether for order confirmations, customer inquiries, or follow-ups.

Valid data parallels a seamless customer experience

The holiday season is already a busy—and at times, stressful—time of year. This means that your customers expect nothing less than a smooth, enjoyable shopping experience. Inaccurate data can lead to hiccups, but with the right tools, you can ensure everything runs like clockwork—leading to a more enjoyable experience for your customers. Clean, accurate data helps provide your business with benefits that include: 

  • Order Accuracy: Accurate address data helps in ensuring timely and correct delivery of orders, reducing the likelihood of returns and customer dissatisfaction
  • Personalization: Data enrichment tools like those offered by a data quality platform allow you to gather additional insights about your customers, enabling you to offer more personalized recommendations and promotions.
  • Enhanced customer Service: Valid contact information ensures that your customer service team can easily reach out to resolve issues quickly, enhancing overall satisfaction.

Streamline operations with data-backed decisioning

As the holiday rush hits full throttle, prioritizing efficency is key to keeping everything on track. Accurate, clean data is essential for smooth operations, allowing you to handle inventory, staffing, and more without any hiccups. To achieve this, consider these critical areas where effective data management makes all the difference: 

  • De-duplication: Imagine the frustration of receiving the same holiday offer multiple times. With data matching and de-duplication, your business can easily identify and merge duplicate records, ensuring your marketing campaigns hit the right notes without redundancy.

  • Data Cleansing: Regular data cleansing ensures that your customer information remains accurate and actionable, reducing errors in order processing and shipping.

  • Data enrichment: By enriching your existing data, you can better understand purchasing behaviors and trends, allowing for more accurate forecasting and inventory management.

Build trust and loyalty in your company

Trust is a crucial factor in retaining customers and encouraging repeat business. Accurate and reliable data helps in building this trust by ensuring that customer interactions are consistent and professional.

One way to boost customer confidence is by adhering to privacy regulations. When your data handling practices are in line with these standards, it reassures customers that their information is being managed responsibly. Accurate data validation helps you stay compliant by ensuring that you’re only reaching out to customers who have given their consent.  

Moreover, transparent and clear communication about orders, promotions, and any potential issues goes a long way in strengthening trust and loyalty. When customers know they can rely on you for honest and accurate information, they’re more likely to stick around. 

Collect insights for future success

The holiday season is not just about immediate sales; it’s also an opportunity to gather valuable insights for future growth. Data analytics can provide you with a deeper understanding of customer behaviors and preferences, which are key for two very crucial insights:

  1. Post-Holiday Analysis: Use data analytics to assess the success of your holiday campaigns, identify trends, and understand customer feedback. This information can be invaluable for planning your future strategies.

  2. Customer feedback: Collecting and analyzing feedback during the holiday season helps in making data-driven decisions to improve products and services

The first step is data readiness—which starts today! 

As you prepare for the 2024 holiday season, remember that data is not just a supporting player but a key driver of success. Accurate and actionable data can enhance your marketing efforts, streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and build lasting trust.

Don’t let data issues overshadow your holiday efforts. Leverage our expertise to transform your data into a strategic asset and make this holiday season your best one yet. Connect with one of our data quality experts to get started today.