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Show the city who you are : 4 tips to connect your business with the community

Whether you are a Fortune 500 company or a striving startup, all organizations seek to connect with the community in which they live and work.  This takes more than just using your city’s hashtag on social media or issuing a press release to your local paper. Finding innovative and creative ways to show your company’s brand to the people around you is key, and Boston, where  Experian Data Quality’s North American headquarters happens to be, is filled with examples of companies who are doing just that. Last evening’s BostonFest, hosted by BostInno, was packed with individuals who were representing their company in creative ways, and enjoying their summer evening networking.

This event brought together companies and individuals who were all taking notes and connecting, while building their brand in the community we all love: Boston. But the conversations and ideas we learned don’t have to stop there. Here are some of our key takeaways from BostInno’s BostonFest to help you start connecting as well.

  1. Attend community events

Simply getting out in the community is the first step! Looking for events related to either your city or your industry is a great way to do that. The summer months often have outdoor festivals that make for great opportunities to network, as well as enjoy fun outings together as a company. Look to build connections with other companies that you could collaborate with on a blog post or for hosting an event. Additionally, take notes on eye-catching things other groups are doing that you can emulate.

 2. Host events in your office

Want to keep the conversations going? Hold an event in your office. This allows the public to come in and see your space, while being exposed to your employees and your brand. Ideas for these events include speaking panels, open houses, and recruitment events.

 3. Apply for awards

There are local and national awards that are seeking to recognize YOU and help to spread the word about the great work your organization is doing. Applying for these awards is the perfect time to highlight initiatives, leaders, and products that make your organization stand out. Looking to implement new ideas to grow your business to award-winning status? See what some of the innovators in your community are up to for inspiration.

 4. T-shirts get noticed 

As we saw for our team at BostonFest, having a catchy t-shirt makes all the difference for your team to get noticed!  Whether that is wearing them to an event, or even having your employees wear them for a Spirit Friday, people notice funny t-shirts. (They work as a great conversation starter as well.)

Our team had a wonderful time connecting with the Boston community at BostonFest! We can’t wait to attend more BostInno events in the future. Want to get to know us or collaborate in the meantime?

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