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Share a Coke with: Nancy

Welcome to our new Share a Coke series on the EDQ blog! We think hearing stories right from the people who make up our EDQ family gives us all a chance to recognize these individuals, their talents, and their stories. We wouldn’t be the company we are today without the people who make up our team, and they give a great view to what life at EDQ is like. 

In order to make this happen, we are sitting down to Share a Coke with a featured member of the EDQ team, and sharing their story with all of you! So sit back, share a Coke with us, and let’s chat with today’s featured EDQ’er, Nancy, a Regional Sales Manager here in our Boston office. 

1. To start out with, Nancy, what is your background?

My post-college career kicked off behind a counter at Pittsburgh Plumbing and Heating fulfilling orders for plumbers. That wasn’t going to cut it for me. After making my way back to Boston, the roots of my family, I worked my way into an inside sales position that later brought me into the tech world of inside sales/hybrid sales.

I worked with commercial and enterprise clients, but a pivotal piece to my career was finding an opportunity where I supported large, critical clients with complex security deployments. My exposure to how an organization operated outside of the sales walls gave me an excellent understanding of how important each department of an organization is to the success of our clients. Ultimately however, I missed sales—the drive, the competition, the sales cycle, and the win!

2. Now that we know a little bit about you, describe your time at EDQ:

I saw such great opportunity at EDQ to be a part of a change, and I wanted in. For me, that change is taking the typical account manager role and transforming it. Now, we are ensuring that we are reaching out to as many people in an organization that could benefit from EDQ solutions.

From a sales perspective, I love that I have the opportunity to develop relationships with our clients. I am able to assist them in understanding the EDQ movement, and starting the conversation around data management.

3. What is your favorite thing about EDQ?

Coming to work everyday at EDQ, and the location the office is in, has changed my life for the better. I think as a population we underestimate how great it is to have an easy commute. Being in the city where there is so much to do and so many conveniences, it’s uplifting!

“So much room for activities,” did you know that’s a Step Brothers quote? (I did not.)

4. Why do you like being a manager?

It’s a great opportunity to invest in the people who want to stand out from the crowd and help to grow their career! I am able to help invest in people by encouraging them to take advantage of change. Personally, I grew up playing sports, and I come from a team environment.

I truly enjoy coaching, and a lot of that background has carried into my team here at EDQ. I enjoy learning and then being able to pass that on, and as a manager, I consistently get to practice that.

5. You are known for bringing a lot of smiles and laughs to the office! Do you have any smiles to leave us with as we wrap up?

I think where that comes from is my parents. Together as a couple and raising four children, they set the tone for our house. We always knew that laughter doesn’t cure all, but it makes life easier. Things can be complex and hard, but if you can’t take a break to have a laugh, you can get run down. You can quickly become someone you yourself wouldn’t want to be around. But laughter has a great way of changing that. Laughter is big in my house.

Nancy is a great example of our love for hard work, and including a smile while we are at it! If you would like to know more about our team, office, and opportunities, get to know us here!