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Pedal to the metal: On the road to proactive data quality

This year the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) took their Annual International Conference (AIC) to Williamsburg, Virginia. AIC showcases the latest trends in the motor vehicle and law enforcement community and provides a forum for chief administrators to learn from and network with their fellow jurisdiction executives. This is one of my favorite events that Experian Data Quality sponsors, and this year did not disappoint. I found that a lot of my conversations this year weren’t dramatically different from the conversations we were having last year in Des Moines, Iowa. In fact, many states seem to be facing many of the same challenges as it relates to the quality of their data. Here are two of the hot topics that I had conversations about with AAMVA attendees this year:

1. Verifying mailing addresses. I hear it all the time. “We already have an address verification solution in place.” While this is often the case, many states continue to face challenges with returned mail or inadequate operational efficiencies. Our address verification solution guarantees a reduction in interaction times and returns a complete and verified mailing address every time. Secondary address information like unit or apartment numbers can cause challenges sometimes, but for us, that is a key strength of our solution.  When agencies leave their existing address verification vendor to work with us it’s typically because we fill a gap in the verification process with our proactive solution that can help eliminate bad data, missing information, and rework.

2. Preparing for modernization. Modernization is not new for State agencies. Many of you have been getting ready to modernize, or may have been going through this process for years. One major challenge that many states seem to be facing is running over time or over budget with the migration portion of their modernization. You don’t want to be going in blind when preparing for a modernization—you’ll undoubtedly run into challenges if you’re moving data that is not of the highest quality. If reducing the amount of risk and the timelines of an upcoming project is important to you, then we have the answer with our new data management solution, Experian Pandora. Don’t wait until you’ve already created an RFP or a contract for a modernization to understand the quality of your data. Let us help you understand your data before, during, and after your modernization efforts.

Our best-in-class solutions, first-class services team that are here to help with manage your project, and technical resources to support your projects, Experian Data Quality is here to help you. If your State agency is facing any of the challenges above, drop me a note and lets chat. 

Connnect with Tony