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One Boston Day

This Friday, April 15th, is One Boston Day.  This is a day designated to, “celebrate the resiliency, generosity, and strength of the people of Boston and those around the world” in response to the events that happened three years ago on April 15th, 2013. When sitting down to write this post about how Experian Data Quality will be involved, it was a struggle to begin.  How does one start to write about such a tragic event that affected the lives of so many?

But then I recalled the purpose of One Boston Day: to highlight resiliency when it is easy to be fearful; to be kind and generous to those around us, as a united community is a powerful thing; and to endure as a triumphant survivor, in spite of those who wanted to tear us down.

At EDQ, we are proud to call Boston the home of our North American headquarters. As passionate Bostonians, we breathe in what it means to love this city, and we breathe out the meaning behind One Boston Day. We rise together in light of dark times and we carry on with the resilient spirit that makes up this city and the people who inhabit it.

This Friday is Experian Data Quality’s annual Company Day, a day of reflection and forward thinking for the upcoming year. It also happens to fall on the same date as One Boston Day. When thinking of the day and all that it means to our organization, we realize many of our reasons for gathering, both for our business and for Company Day, are resembled in the characteristics listed above. Despite the events of April 15th, 2013, we have remained resilient, not allowing these events to change the course of our meeting. Year after year, members of our EDQ family travel from across the country to join together and meet to reflect on our previous fiscal year and share inspiration for the next. Rather than be torn apart by fear or risks involved with travel, we have continued to come together, as we know that we are stronger as one.

Practicing acts of giving and generosity is a value that EDQ holds dear. As we have every year, we have chosen a charity to support on Company Day, and will be collecting donations for The National Brain Tumor Society. This is a cause that directly impacted the life of one of our EDQ family members, and we are pleased to be able to support her in raising awareness.

In order to further the mission of One Boston Day, we want to share this blog in hopes of reminding both our company, as well as those who read our blog, to remember the spirit of giving and how generosity can spread. We look forward to supporting The National Brain Tumor Society and if, in honor of One Boston Day, you would like to get involved, you can find the link here.

Finally, as a Boston-based business whose passion for this city resounds in all that we do, we exhibit strength. Our office, like most in Boston, is filled with people who were rocked to the core by a tragic event in a place they love. But when you look at them, you don’t see victims; you see the drive and determination to move forward—nothing less. Whether it is the strength to overcome any fears that may arise or the strength to support one another in times of need, we at EDQ embrace this fully, just like all the businesses and individuals in Boston have chosen to do every day.

We look forward to Friday and the opportunity for all of us to join together as one, calling to mind the key values of One Boston Day. And as we do so, we know that the city will be around us, and with us, doing the same. Follow Experian Data Quality and the city of Boston on this day of remembrance on Twitter. 
