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Mobile marketing growing in B2B sales

Mobile marketing is making big strides in reaching decision makers in the business to business market sector.

The 2012 ecommerce survey by Oracle showed that mobile applications have become the third most influential channel when it comes to making key purchasing decisions.

The online catalogs category remains in the top spot with 93 percent using the tool, but mobile-based sales tools jumped more than 10 percent from a year ago to 24.5 percent. Direct sales channels, such as email marketing, secured the second-place spot by influencing 70 percent of decision-makers.  The rising importance of mobile marketing in reaching business clients and the strong influence of direct sales shows the value of quality data.

Securing the sale from a corporate client now relies on reaching them through new forms of direct communications. Maintaining accurate customer information through an email verification system can ensure that the campaign reaches key managers and executives. The verification process can support the campaign by delivering messages to the right decision-makers either through email or on their mobile devices.

Mobile marketing is now a part of the B2B landscape. Companies that are able to streamline their client data to provide direct personalized messages to an executive's phone can take strategic steps to boost sales.  Verifying the contact information on your B2B client list can help reduce costs and yield a higher rate of return.