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Making a difference together one day at a time

Experian is dedicated to making a meaningful impact in the communities that we live and operate in. Through relationships with non-profit organizations, financial support of local programs or initiatives, and encouraging employees to participate in community service, we champion multiple important causes while simultaneously encouraging a strong culture of caring across the organization.

As a member of Experian Data Quality’s Social Responsibility Committee (SRC), I help to drive the culture of caring and giving in our Boston office. SRC is one of our internal employee-run committees that looks for opportunities to help our community and promote those opportunities around the office. Experian provides numerous diverse outlets to do so, from software gifts in kind to help non-profit organizations better leverage their data for greater opportunities, to company-wide volunteer days in our local community, and dedicated charitable time off (CTO) to volunteer with a cause of personal significance. Experian’s dedication to being a socially responsible organization is one of the many aspects that I, as an employee of four and a half years, truly value.

Last week, I spent a day volunteering with Habitat for Humanity of the North Shore in Lynn, Massachusetts. Habitat North Shore is a non-profit organization founded on the belief that everyone deserves a place to call home. In partnership with low-income families seeking a place to live, they use volunteer labor and donated materials whenever possible to renovate old homes or build inexpensive new homes that are sold to families at low-cost without profit or interest.

Using CTO allowed me to spend the day in Lynn painting the 2nd floor bedrooms of a new home being built for a family with two children. Over the course of the day there was a great energy. As I painted inside with a team of volunteers, another team was outside on ladders putting up siding on the home. Both the homeowner-to-be and her father were onsite with us as we helped them build their new home. Having the opportunity to take a day off and spend it making a difference in my community is so rewarding. Coming back to the office the next day, I could share that with my team and encourage them take advantage of the opportunity or maybe even join me next time. I am grateful to work at Experian where my passion to do good and better myself and the community where I work is supported and matched.

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