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Loyalty systems 'improve customer faithfulness'

The majority of customers would spend more with a particular brand if it had a loyalty system, it has been claimed.

Retail customer loyalty and marketing communication expert uber polled customers in an online survey and found that 93 per cent would increase spending with a loyalty programme, while 86 per cent would pick one retailer over another if there were a scheme to join.

However, 50 per cent of consumers claimed that they were not interested in programmes that make them collect points for a reward, instead preferring instant gratification.

"Remember - consumers are your most precious assets, looking after them means keeping them for longer. Consumers couldn't have been clearer that the key to capturing their loyalty in 2011 is by making them feel 'valued' - it's the 'personal little treats that make you feel special'," the company claimed.

However, Debra Ellis, the founder of Wilson & Ellis Consulting, said that most shoppers prefer a service which is easy rather than exceptional, reported.