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Location intelligence: What it is and why it matters

Ashly Arndt

If there’s one thing businesses have learned in today’s digitally accelerated and post-pandemic climate, it’s that access to accurate data insights is necessary for a sustainable future. Since we are at the height of online shopping with an estimated 2.14 billion consumers now purchasing goods online1, the expectation to deliver an optimized digital experience is at an all-time high. As businesses undergo the expansive shift to e-commerce, there’s one key takeaway that businesses need to keep in mind: Access to high-quality and mature address data is critical for success.

Failed deliveries are a rising issue that can have negative implications on your business’s brand loyalty, customer experience, and bottom line. Fortunately, location intelligence can provide you with more accurate address insights and data that are necessary for your business operations. In this article, we’ll explore what location intelligence is in greater detail, why it matters for your business, and how these insights can help drive higher performance rates and results for your company.

What is location intelligence?

When it comes to ensuring greater precision with the address information your business has on hand, additional attributes are a must. Location intelligence refers to the information and insights your business can derive from the use and analysis of location data—all of which will greatly increase your chances of deliverability.

Location intelligence primarily relies on access to the right spatial data, which is any form of data that directly or indirectly references a specified geographic area or location, to increase understanding and overcome common data challenges.

Several of the forms of location data used in location intelligence include:

  • Address data
  • Geocoordinates
  • Grid references

Ultimately, these unique identifiers can help increase the deliverability to consumers’ addresses and gain a competitive advantage in the e-commerce space.

Why an address isn't always enough

As you add a consumer’s address into your database, you add another identifier that helps complete your customer’s profile. While you may think that you now have access to all the information you need to send mail to this individual and reach them at a physical location, collecting an address often isn’t enough when it comes to ensuring optimal delivery care.

That’s why location intelligence is becoming increasingly important for businesses that want to elevate their data accuracy and maximize their operational efficiencies. Since location intelligence leverages geographic location insights, it’s oftentimes more accurate than a mere street address or postcode— both of which can change over time. Linking addresses to geolocational coordinates and unique property identifies allows businesses to capture accurate deliverable addresses at the point of entry, which is crucial when street addresses fail to provide the precision necessary for accurate location identification.

How location intelligence positively impacts your organization

As virtual shopping continues to grow, it’s necessary to take action to ensure smooth and efficient deliveries to your customers. While having an address on hand is a great starting point, location intelligence provides a necessary level of accuracy and reassurance that increases the probability of a package ending up in the right place.

With more precise and accurate consumer information, you’ll find it easier to make the right decisions for your business. Several benefits provided by location intelligence include:

1.) Improved operational efficiency

Most businesses recognize the direct impact optimized operational efficiencies have on their revenue, profits, and bottom line. To heighten the sense of efficiency within your organization’s daily operations, it’s crucial to mature and expand your existing customer database to encourage a seamless workflow.

The additional data provided by location intelligence can be used to optimize route planning, ensure maximum possible delivery rates, and improve the identification of customers by location. When you maximize the performance levels of your business by improving order fulfillment and customer identification, it provides a twofold benefit. On one hand, customers remain satisfied because they successfully receive their packages and mail. On the other, employees can focus on their line of work without having to set aside time to chase down lost packages or handle complaints because of this avoidable mishap, too.

2.) Reduced costs

Nearly 1 in 10 orders are not successfully delivered on their first attempt2, which can potentially signify thousands of dollars in lost revenue for your business each year. When an item isn’t delivered on the first attempt, this failure can lead to costs associated with:

  •  Redelivery
  • Return postage
  • Replacement products

Ultimately, a lack of insight on the location of consumers can have a considerable impact on a business’s finances, which is why it’s crucial to drive greater insights into your customers’ location. With a more specified view, you can engage more effectively with your customers, increase your ROI, and maximize your productivity. Rather than fixing data quality issues, location intelligence will ensure that you have the tools in place to reduce unnecessary costs later on down the road from failed deliveries.

3.) Increased customer loyalty

If a customer’s item never arrives due to incorrect address information, several negative outcomes will arise. This client is likely to be dissatisfied, lose a sense of loyalty to your business, and tell others about their poor experience—all of which negatively impact your reputability and the positive customer experience you’re trying to promote.

Most business leaders know that delivering a seamless experience to the consumer goes hand in hand with brand loyalty. Not only does locational intelligence reduce the amount of effort required to purchase an item from your business, but it always maximizes consumers’ chance of successfully receiving said package, too. When you instill the measures necessary to maximize your insights and performance, you’ll find it easier to optimize the digital experience for your customers—an important feature in instilling a sense of loyalty to your brand.

How Experian can help 

To keep up with today’s fast-paced and digitally facing world, businesses should place data at the heart of their decision-making process. Using the latest address validation and cleansing technology in conjunction with optimized data maturity is the key to driving businesses efficiencies and exceeding customers’ growing expectations.

Experian’s solutions can help maximize delivery rates, optimize customer service, and reduce unnecessary costs—all the while helping companies nail their operational and marketing goals.

Get started now

1 Mohsin, Maryam. (20, June 2021). 10 Online Shopping Statistics. Oberlo.

(4, March 2021). As eCommerce Thrives, New Loqate Study Reveals the Cost of Failed Deliveries. Cision PR Newswire.