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Innovation is happening, are you a part of it?

Tayler Hough

Upon leaving ProductCamp Boston on Saturday afternoon, I was left with one thought. I’m not sure if it was the venue, being at the Microsoft NERD Center, or the energetic volunteers bustling to bring the event to life bright and early on a sunny but cold Saturday morning that did it. Or perhaps it was the speakers, the inspirational stories they told of what and how they were making things happen. And it may have been the conversations that I had with a record number of attendees and businesses, who shared their roles and experiences in the product marketing space. 

I believe it to be a combination of all of these things that left me thinking: Innovation is happening, and I am so glad to be a part of it. The exciting part of working in the technology space is that we are able to constantly improve to find ways to make life better for clients, businesses, our communities, and ourselves. The incredible thing? This innovation doesn’t simply happen in one way. At ProductCamp Boston, I was able to see how a vast number of people were finding their way in the technology space and contributing in many different ways. Reflecting back, there were a few key words that stood out on how people are achieving this:


ProductCamp was all about connection in more ways than one. Most all of us experienced the opportunity to network and speak with industry professionals and students, both from within the Boston area, as well as across the country and globe. Whether sharing industry insights or speaking about career opportunities, it was evident that the opportunity for connection within the product space is vast, and these conversations only helped to spread ideas and insight.

While connecting and networking, it seemed that the products and tools many of us spoke about helped us do just that: to collaborate, to connect. Whether a tool was designed to ensure a company is accurately able to reach their clients, or a product is able to capture a client’s feedback and thoughts to help make their user experience stronger, it was all about forming a better connection. The way a product is positioned and put out in the market was another popular topic that centered around connection as well. Speakers discussed ways in which they can more effectively connect with their users, draw their attention and become more relevant.

If you caught consultant Neil Baron’s session – Winning the Product game – Lessons from the Patriots, Neil together with Beatriz Santin, Experian Data Quality, & Jeremy Skaling, Eagle Investments, talked about the importance of internal collaboration, clear strategy shared at all levels and role definition for companies to achieve their goals – but that all this needs to be powered by true understanding of customer needs.


An overwhelming feeling of growth was present in all aspects of ProductCamp. The record number of attendees for a (un)conference of this kind and an expansive waiting list speaks to the increasing importance being given to product management in today’s world,and the growing interest in the subject matter. At EDQ we are experiencing that growth quite literally. Some of you may have heard Beatriz Santin, VP of Global Product Marketing at EDQ, speak on her session: Running a startup within a large business: A market expansion case study. Bia was able to speak on her recent experience expanding EDQ into Brazil. Overall, EDQ is going through a growth phase.  We have a number of job opportunities available and more to come. Check our careers page regularly to see when positions will open up!


Finally, knowledge seemed to perfectly tie together the conversations, connections, and reason for waking up early on a cold Spring Saturday to attend ProductCamp. Sharing knowledge and learning from each other is helping foment further innovation. The diversity of roles, industries and experience level made the event special. Specifically, among the large number of attendees looking to grow their knowledge, there was an increase in the number of students who attended. In speaking with these students, we were able to connect with many who were achieving their MBA in Product Management and Marketing fields.  It is evident that these students are seeing the product management as a viable career. This is exciting for those of use in the field. Thanks to ProductCamp Boston & BPMA for promoting this career path and supporting students young and experienced with training, events and mentorship opportunities.

Whether it was in a session or through networking, I feel confident all of us walked away with a new nugget of knowledge. Perhaps you were able to attend EDQ Brazil’s Michelle Carneiro’s session:  Product management: Mastering marketing and development at the same time. Michelle came all the way from Brazil, and was able to share her insights on how to balance limited resources in order to make product management work for your business.

Maybe you were able to connect with one of the many sponsors, such as EDQ, who shared their stories of innovation, and how you could get involved too. With all of this new knowledge, how can you not leave inspired to go out and learn more, collaborate more to make a better world?  If you did not attend, I recommend you attend next year…

What was your nugget of knowledge, or innovation inspiration that you took away from ProductCamp?

Tweet at us to join the conversation! Be sure to include the hashtag #PCampBoston!
