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Improving the customer experience at the 2018 Internet Retailer Conference + Exhibition

This past week I had the pleasure of representing Experian along with three of my colleagues in Chicago at IRCE (Internet Retailer Conference + Exhibition). The show ran the full gamut of the world of online retail with Ecommerce industry leaders representing many large online retailers as well as small retailers looking to embrace the next step.

Throughout the conference, we had the opportunity to network with attendees and other exhibitors and discuss their Ecommerce needs. During these conversations, there were a couple of themes that arose time and again:

  • Marketing, marketing, and more marketing. 

Online retailers big or small, new or old all want to effectively communicate with their existing customers and find more of them! We talked to many organizations that are new to the ecommerce space and are working to build up their database so they can increase their marketing efforts. We also met with established companies that want to know more about their customers so they can more effectively communicate with them. Throughout these conversations, we kept hearing what we know to be true: data is the key to unlocking the potential of your customers and prospects. That’s why it’s essential to trust the data you collect and store, and ensure it is high quality, actionable data. From an email address captured on your website or an address captured at checkout, the quality of the data collected is critical to providing a foundation for future marketing.

  • Deliverability still poses problems 

A package is not considered delivered unless it is delivered to the customer on time. From skateboards to high-end plumbing fixtures, (to name just a couple of the examples that we came across at the conference), incorrect shipping information continues to keep online retailers awake at night. Returned mail not only incurs a cost to you as the retailer, but also has an immediate negative impact on your customer experience. When you order an item online, it is expected that it will arrive in the guaranteed window of time to your front stoop. Delays due to rerouting or the ever dreaded returned to sender leave a poor taste in your customer’s mouth… even if it was their mistake. We all know it; the customer is always right and therefore it is on you as the retailer to make sure the data they enter is accurate!

So, while I am not here to tell you that you won the car giveaway, sorry we can’t all win that prize, I do have great news! Here at Experian we can help you with many of your online retail and marketing woes and turn them into wows! Being the data quality experts that we are, we are here to help you with your contact data management needs, from address to email, and anything in between.

To learn more check out our contact data management tools!