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How to prepare your business for Amazon Prime Day

Ashly Arndt

Amazon’s Prime Day has earned itself the reputation of being the shopping event of the year. This means that now is the time to kickstart a business plan to prepare for online shoppers—even if your business isn’t on Amazon. Since shoppers are more likely to have their virtual shopping carts—and credit cards—ready around this time, it’s crucial to ensure you’re maximizing your business’s chance to earn new customers and generate more sales.  
In this article, we’ll outline some key steps to prepare your business for this profitable time of year while touching on the key role data validation will play in maximizing your success.

What is Prime Day and why does it matter for my business?

Since its first occurrence in 2015, Prime Day has become Amazon’s annual shopping event for members, touting some of the year’s largest discounts for users on thousands of varying products. Even if your business is not on Amazon, this important time of year still matters. Why? With Amazon offering discounted pricing on a wide range of products across all industries, this event presents a key opportunity to strategically market your products and succeed over this major competitor.  
Since Prime Day has become a household phrase that users anticipate months ahead of its live date, it’s important to stay ahead of the competition and make sure you’re also taking advantage of a time when shoppers are bound to be online. Whether you’re priming your own business for upcoming sales or want to ensure your customers remain engaged with your brand, now is the time to prepare your business for the influx of users typically shopping online around this time.

5 easy steps to prep your business for Prime Day

While every brand maintains a steady business strategy throughout the year, it’s even more important to brush up on your strategic planning when sales are anticipated to be at an all-time high. Take a look at these 5 simple tips that will help ensure your business is on top at Amazon’s Prime Day event for 2023:  
1.) Ensure the accuracy of your data 
A high-volume sales event for businesses means increased preparation for elevated site traffic, greater marketing initiatives, and expanded interactions with current and prospective clients. While this may seem like a lot to handle on the surface, the best way to be sufficiently prepared is by ensuring the accuracy of your customer data. 
Marketing initiatives will inevitably be a key definer in advertising your upcoming deals. While you may have strong confidence in your campaigns and ads, they’re only as effective as their ability to successfully reach your clients. Data validation tools and software, such as address validation and phone validation, can provide you with the confidence of having valid, up-to-date address data, phone data, and other key identifying information on hand for your customers. Not only will this help provide timely delivery of your messages, but it will boost your employee productivity by avoiding the need for manual data fixes, too. 
2.) Determine your deals 
Prime Day is synonymous with discounts and deals, so determining your business’s own promotions will be a necessary part of planning for this upcoming event. What is the best way to attract shoppers to your business and not your competitors? Evaluate the different options that can help your brand stand apart, including: 

  • Offering free shipping 
  • Providing percent-off sales 
  • Including free gift(s) with purchase 

By offering enticing deals, you will attract more clients to your site and increase brand loyalty.

3.) Leverage email marketing campaigns 
Right now, Prime users are beginning to receive emails flashing upcoming sales days—which means your business should be on top of its email marketing campaigns right now. Leverage email validation to increase the open rate of your emails by ensuring there are no missing letters, typos, or overarching inaccuracies in the email data you possess. When you reduce the bounce rate of your emails—something email validation can help with—you’ll help maintain your sender reputation for future email marketing initiatives. 
4.) Segment your audience 
A good deal is inarguably hard to pass on. However, not everyone in your audience will be eyeing the same products—which is where market segmentation comes into play.   
Utilizing the enriched data will help your company confidently divide your customers into subgroups based on differing qualities and characteristics. Then, you can curate messaging that best resonates with your varying clients to pique their curiosity and ultimately drive them to your site (or in your business’s front door) around Prime Day.  
5.) Confirm sufficient inventory  
Since Prime Day can bring in even greater sales than the holiday season, it’s crucial to ensure you have enough inventory to compensate for the influx of demand. Review your inventory numbers and crosscheck that they align with your projected sales. In today’s world of increasingly competitive customer satisfaction, you don’t want to find yourself sending out-of-stock emails to clients after they place their order.


Data helps power business success

Data plays a crucial role in your business’s everyday operations—but is even more pivotal during busy times such as the holidays and shopping events, like Prime Day. Need help getting started? Our experts are here to help! Fill out the form below to learn more about Experian’s data validation solutions today!