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How data quality can help improve the mobile experience

As mobile devices continue their rise to prominence, organizations in every industry are clamoring to find ways to optimize the mobile experience for their customers. At this point, a positive mobile experience has become virtually synonymous with a positive customer experience. Simply designing an app or making your website mobile responsive is a great place to start, but how do you continue to optimize the experience from there? A good mobile experience is all about making it as simple and frictionless as possible. And that’s where data quality can truly help.

Prevent human error

Did you know that 77 percent of U.S. businesses say that inaccurate data continues to undermine customer experience? And human error is still the number one cause of data errors for organizations across the United States. That means that preventing human error can help you to improve the customer experience. With data quality processes like validation, profiling, and monitoring, it is easy for your organization to discover and even prevent mistakes due to human error. Validation enables you to identify and correct errors in your data, and it can work either in real-time, or by batch processing data at set intervals of time. Profiling enables you to easily analyze your data, discover data quality issues, and determine how to resolve them. And monitoring provides you with insight into your data overtime, allowing you to create dashboards, reports, and alerts to maintain high-quality information assets.

 Improve your customer experience with the help of data quality


Reduce keystrokes

When it comes to the mobile experience, the more seamless and convenient, the better. Reducing the number of keystrokes required to enter information on your site is an easy way to create a more seamless and convenient experience. 

One way to do this is by having a verification tool that can validate the information entered, without requiring duplicate entry. For example, you’ve probably visited a site that requires you to re-enter your email address to verify that it is correct. Having a built-in verification tool anywhere you are collecting contact information removes this barrier and eases the experience.

Taking this a step further, you may even employ a data quality tool that intuitively pre-fills information. Let’s say you are collecting addresses. If you have an intuitive tool, you may be able to suggest potential addresses based on the information that’s entered. 

Or you might pre-populate the city and state fields based on the zip code. For those collecting credit information, a tool like

Increase personalization

Customers increasingly expect personalized experiences across channels. Providing a positive, personalized experience starts with a foundation of strong, high-quality contact data. Ensuring that you have the right email address, home address, and phone number for your customers will guarantee that your first attempt to reach them—be it to email a receipt, to mail a package, or to send a welcome text for your loyalty program—is correct and well-received. Having the correct contact data also gives you the option to enrich your data. Enrichment refers to purchasing data from a third party to append to your existing records. When you trust your data to begin with, you can feel more confident making the investment in additional pieces of information that may help you to more effectively personalize experiences for your customers.

A single customer view is truly key to providing strong and personalized experiences, and that’s where data matching plays a crucial role. Matching allows you to take disparate records from across different systems and join them together to form a single, master record. Once again, when you have accurate data from the start, matching becomes easier and you can consolidate many records to gain greater insight into your customers, their behavior, their preferences, and even their purchase history. Not only does this help you to tailor their mobile experience, but it can also help to inform other strategic decisions, such as marketing, inventory, pricing, discounts and offers, and so on.

In these ways, data quality can help your organization to improve the mobile experience for your customers. As mobile activity is quickly catching up to desktop or in-person activity, and will likely even surpass it, ensuring a strong mobile experience will become increasingly more crucial to the success of your organization. With data driving so many decisions, it’s important to invest in data quality to feel certain that the decisions you are making are the right ones.

 Are you interested in other ways you can optimize the mobile experience for your customers?

See how Instant Form Fill can help 

Meet Bob. Bob wants to apply for a credit card. He starts an application on  your website. But there is a problem. The application process is very long. And he doesn't have the energy, patience, time, to complete the application. Frustrated Bob decides to abandon the credit application. There is a better way. A simplified application process. Using only four pieces of information- first name, last name, postal code, and SSN (last 4 digits). You can automatically pre-fill many required fields. Reducing friction, accelerating credit applications, improving customer experience, and winning more business. Ready to learn more? Visit