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Hiring a data steward

No matter what industry you work in, what your job title is, or what your responsibilities are, it is almost a guarantee that you rely on data in some way, shape or form at least once a day; and sometimes you might not even know it!

Data is absolutely everywhere, and it’s quickly becoming the lifeblood of most organizations.

The real question is – do you use it to your advantage? Think about it for a second….

  • Do you know where to find all the information you need?
  • Do you know who keeps your data secure?
  • Do you know who is responsible for managing the data?

These are all very valid questions, especially considering the incredible amount of data that your company has access to. If you can’t answer the above three questions, then you’re not alone, because most companies struggle to make the best use of their data. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could just straighten it out for you? A data steward may be just the person you’re looking for.

A data steward is someone who manages and organization’s data assets. From planning to sourcing to maintaining the data, a data steward helps control data in every form, in every location. Basically, the data steward will be responsible for ongoing management and will become the owner of all data for your company. Knowing how vital your data is, that is no small task—so making sure you hire the right person is key.

Before you can hire the best data steward for your company, make sure that you have clearly defined the general goal for this role and what you’re trying to accomplish for each individual department. No matter what the specific role may look like at your organization, there are some key skills that are necessary for data stewards across the board.

Here are 7 qualifications that you should look for:

  1. Extensive data management experience, including in-depth knowledge of data modeling, data integration, data configuration, and general database concepts
  2. Ability to determine best ways to improve the quality of existing data and ensure that those guidelines are carried through to new data as well
  3. Establishes a definitive data element definition that is best for your company
  4. Knowledge of data modeling and architecture principles and techniques
  5. Ability to define data governance policies and educate all the necessary stakeholders
  6. Strong communication skills and ability to work with multiple departments; especially with IT, supporting the development and implementation of changes including issue resolution and planning for enhancements and upgrades, including new data sources
  7. Very strong analytical skills, both with a mind to the business side and more technical IT info.

Hiring a data steward will provide you with consistency, save you thousands (potentially even millions) of dollars, and help to map out processes between departments and with IT.

You’re only as good as your data, so make sure yours is in tip-top shape with the help of Experian Pandora. 

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