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Forrester Research releases Data Quality Tools Wave evaluation

Independent research report states that Experian environment is both ‘intuitive and guiding’

Experian Data Quality continues to show our strength in the data quality market. We were recently named a Strong Performer in the Forrester Research December 2015 report: The Forrester Wave™: Data Quality Solutions, Q4 2015.

I believe this further demonstrates that we are providing our customers with products and services that help them get the most out of their data through easy-to-implement and easy-to-use software tools that enable anyone in the organization to gain data insight.

The report, which can be accessed below for a complimentary copy, states that Experian Data Quality “was the only tool we evaluated that organizations could implement with little to no technology management support...The environment is both intuitive and provides guidance to help business data stewards understand and shape the data to meet their levels of trust.”

We have noticed that many of our customers want solutions on the business side that they can quickly and easily implement themselves. While IT is certainly still involved during the purchase of most solutions, we work diligently to ensure that our solutions are designed for business users. Commercial stakeholders have a strong need to access data for their specific purpose and they don’t want to wait weeks for a report to be generated. They really need real-time analytics and real-time data accuracy.

Data management will continue to be a top area of investment for many companies as they look to make data a strategic business asset. To leverage data, businesses need information to be accurate and accessible. That comes from the right people and processes around data, but technology also plays a critical role.

This report shows, in our opinion that there are a wide variety of tools on the market, but that to solve business needs products need to serve multiple business functions. We strive to provide companies with the software, services and reference data that they need to see value from their data assets.

I’d like to personally thank our 8,500 customers across the globe, as well as our valuable partners, for helping us to achieve this position in the data quality tools market. We look forward to continuing to build strong data management solutions for years to come.

Click below to access the Forrester Research Inc. December 2015 report, The Forrester Wave™: Data Quality Solutions 2015.

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