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Email marketing 101: A data-driven guide for businesses

Ashly Arndt

Email marketing is a key tool in reaching both your current users and prospective clients. Today, businesses use this form of communication to grow their business, conveniently reach customers, extend their marketing initiatives, and much more.

While email is inarguably a great way to connect with your intended audience, it’s important to have the proper email validation strategies in place before kickstarting your email marketing campaign. When it comes to email marketing success, a data-driven plan will be the key step in executing your core tactics and delivering the greatest ROI for your business.

Why email marketing matters for businesses

Before we delve into the strategies that will help take your email marketing strategies to the next level, let’s first explore why this channel of communication will play such a pivotal role in your business’s success. If you find that your business does not currently leverage email to extend the influence of your marketing efforts or connect with your core audience, then you may be missing out on a channel that’s easy to leverage and that can play a substantial role in your growth.

Still not convinced? According to statistics1, approximately 376 billion emails will be received across the world every day by 2025. In our digital-facing society, most users not only have an email, but they also check it multiple times throughout the day. With an email marketing campaign, you can organically grow your audience and clients by easily and quickly sending a message to hundreds of thousands of users with the click of a button.

Given the quick and seamless nature of email, this channel has become a favored way for businesses to communicate key messages about their business with clients.

4 ways data management impacts email marketing success

Now that we’ve outlined why email marketing is so important for your business, let’s examine how to make the most of your communication efforts via this channel with the help of data management strategies and tactics:

1. Ensure your message reaches the right user

Your email marketing team puts in tremendous effort when crafting messages for your users’ inboxes, which is why it’s important to ensure that your emails end up actually reaching their intended recipients. Email data validation software scans emails for various forms of errors that may arise from incorrect domains, omitted letters, or mistyping.

Before you hit send, you’ll have the confidence to know that you will increase customer engagement and generate more conversions with the proper email validation plan in place.

2. Reduce manual efforts

Customized emails are a critical part of successfully targeting prospects. However, curating specialized emails manually requires too much effort and time. Data validation helps remove the need for manual intervention with the help of trigger emails that automatically create a customized messaging experience.

Email triggers help automatically generate emails, including:

  • Welcome emails
  • Transaction emails
  • Abandoned cart emails
  • Customer retention emails
  • Milestone emails

And much more. Trigger emails are automated, so they’re convenient and effective when incorporated into your marketing strategy.

3. Adjust your email marketing campaigns for maximum success

What informs your email marketing strategy? If the answer isn’t data, it should be! Data provides the insight you need to analyze your metrics and curate an informed go-forward strategy for how you interact and reach out to your clients. Organized and helpful data information will help you answer questions such as:

  • How can I best reach my target audience?
  • What emails are most effective for various audience segments?
  • When is the best time to message my users?
  • Which content is most effective in my email marketing campaigns?

It’s crucial to leverage the information tied to your email marketing campaigns to generate greater leads and conversions, drive your ROI, and establish branding loyalty.

  1. Minimize the risk of emails marked as ‘spam’

Sending an email blindly comes with its fair share of risks. While it may seem harmless to verify an email by sending an email to the user’s inbox to assess whether or not the email correctly sends or bounces, this action can have a negative impact on your email marketing campaign. Without verification procedures in place, sending messages to unverified inboxes inevitably increases your email bounce rate—which in effect may mark your message as spam.

Email verification equals marketing success

Today’s businesses need to remain one step ahead of their competitors when engaging in their digital marketing efforts. To target users and kickstart marketing campaigns via email with success, data management is no longer an option-it’s a necessity.



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