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Discussing what’s in store for data governance and data quality at DGIQ

The Data Governance and Information Quality (DGIQ) Conference and Dataversity took their talents to sunny San Diego this week. DGIQ looks at the latest trends and practices used by the leaders in the data space and how they apply strategies around data governance and data quality. This event had a heavy focus on the emergence of data governance and regulatory issues companies are facing in regards to their own data as well as the importance of understanding the integrity and quality of their data moving forward to help drive the bottom line.

These were my 3 biggest takeaways from the DGIQ conference:

1. The biggest takeaway from this conference is that so many companies are just scratching the surface of a data governance and data quality strategy. Many people were there to understand where companies that are further along in the cycle started and where they are heading. There was an underlying theme that a good data governance strategy starts with good data quality.

2. Establishing data standards has become an increasingly important topic within the data world. The way companies and individuals have been maintaining these are through monitoring and keeping data quality over certain thresholds. Profiling data and writing rules to ensure quality remains above the company’s standards is a common practice that was shared at the conference. There are tools coming out that help with this process as well and can be automated to notify business users when the quality of data decreases below their allotted thresholds.

3. My third takeaway from the conference is the idea that companies are starting to take data way more seriously than they used to. In going to a few conferences over the last few months, I’ve noticed the emergence of positions like the Chief Data Officer and data stewards as well as many companies creating their own data quality divisions. This was especially telling at DGIQ and talking with attendees about the importance of data and establishing a plan to ensure governance and quality makes me feel good about working with these companies and trying to partner with them to help make their lives easier.

We enjoyed our time in California meeting new faces and seeing some old ones from last year. I’m already looking forward to coming back next year and learning about how companies have implemented some of the takeaways from DGIQ this year, and what’s next!

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