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Contact data validation for e-commerce integrations

Ashly Arndt

In our digital-forward society, e-commerce operations have quickly become the backbone of businesses hoping to reach more clients through an online realm. Regardless of what a company sells or brings to the table, the goal remains the same—to improve the online shopping experience for both consumers and internal users alike.

For consumers, this may mean a seamless checkout experience. For e-commerce leaders, this means collecting the right information about their clients at the point of entry to inform their future business strategies. Luckily, formulating an e-commerce strategy that satisfies clients and business leaders alike is simple. The answer? Experian’s contact data validation for e-commerce integrations.

Below, we'll delve into what it means to integrate our contact data solutions into your e-commerce platform—and why this mere act alone can help drastically transform your business's overarching success.

Contact data 101: What it is and why it matters for e-commerce

What is contact data validation and why does it matter for anyone operating on an e-commerce platform?

To start, your ability to get the most out of your existing customer database will have a tremendous impact on your business’s growth, conversions, and monetary wins. Since collecting and using accurate consumer data is necessary for operational and marketing success, it's important to have the proper software in place to check and verify contacts as they enter your database.

Our contact data validation software standardizes and verifies your consumers’ information before it enters the CRM system. This means that at the point of entry, our solutions standardize and validate phone numbers, addresses, and emails quickly and effectively. With contact data validation integrations, e-commerce businesses can reap the multitude of benefits associated with fast and accurate data collection while avoiding the pitfalls the comes with poor data quality.

Experian's e-commerce integrations compatibility

Our contact data validation solutions seamlessly integrate into the following e-commerce platforms:

Adobe Magento Commerce: Our turnkey integration is easy to implement into the Magento interface. To help support accurate data collection, Experian has integrated its address, email, and phone verification functionality into Adobe's Magento Commerce. Featuring reduced keystrokes by customers at checkout, our Magento contact data validation integration cuts operational costs, reduces shopping cart abandonment, and more.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud: Experian’s solutions for Salesforce Commerce Cloud optimizes the online experience by optimizing each key piece of a customer’s contact information. With this integration at play, e-commerce users can improve online conversion rates, maximize marketing effectiveness, and avoid costly address correction fees.

And if you can’t find us on the marketplace, there’s a chance our contact data validation software is compatible with your e-commerce platform:

Shopify: Shopify users will find that they don’t need to miss out on high-quality contact data. Our contact data validation is compatible with Shopify and is easy to integrate—which includes email, address, global intuitive, and phone validation—into their e-commerce platform. Our sample code simplifies the integration process, meaning retail businesses can cut their operational costs and increase marketing accuracy without negatively impacting the e-commerce shopping experience.

3 reasons to integrate our data quality solutions with your e-commerce platform

When it comes to successfully operating an e-commerce business, understanding, using, and optimizing your customers’ data is key. Let’s discuss some of the top benefits you can reap when integrating contact data validation solutions into your e-commerce platform:

1.) Reduced shopping cart abandonment

On average, 7 out of every 101 individuals are likely to abandon a shopping cart online before finalizing a purchase. For e-commerce leader, this means that perfecting the checkout process will play a pivotal role in their ability to earn new clients and amount higher sales. Oftentimes, shopping cart abandonment metrics are not favorable for e-commerce platforms that house lengthy check-out forms that require a significant amount of time to complete. Regardless of what a consumer is shopping for on your site, remember that they want the checkout process to be as simple as possible—which is where data validation solutions come into play.

Our contact data validation solutions seamlessly integrate with an e-commerce platform's customer-facing interface to simplify the checkout process for your clients. Using a reliable automation or backend processing system to analyze the information necessary for data collection makes it easier to:

  • Auto-populate data with predictive search
  • Ensure the correct formatting on data
  • Verify if an email is valid and can receive email 

Not only do these benefits help guarantee that you're receiving the right information about your customer, but they can reduce the keystrokes required by customers by 80 percent, too.

2.) Decreased operational costs

Every day, businesses amass an incredible amount of consumer data at an astounding rate. While fleshing out your customers' profiles with more data is always a bonus, the consumer data entering your system must also be accurate. In our most recent research study, 94 percent of business leaders surveyed stated that the quality of their contact data has become increasingly important over the past year—and for good reason. Whether the quality of your contact data is compromised because of outdated information or mere human error, having the wrong information stored in your e-commerce platform can be a very costly mistake.

Contact data validation solutions help you leverage accurate contact data from the start. This means that you're more likely to have the correct consumer information entered into your database from the very beginning. Not only does this safeguard you from the costs associated with poor data quality, but it also helps you reach the right consumers. Every time an address is entered incorrectly into your system, this means you confront the fees associated with return mail, lost packages, and more. Our data validation solutions allow you to confidently reach your customers through multiple channels the first time around.

3.) Enhanced marketing accuracy

Regardless of what an e-commerce business sells, almost every business leader would agree that their marketing initiatives play a pivotal role in their ability to sell their products or services. But if the data you have on hand doesn't match up to the correct users, it’s easy for your efforts to fall short.

When you integrate contact data validation into e-commerce platforms, such as Adobe Magento Commerce and Salesforce Commerce Cloud, you reap the benefits associated with leveraging accurate data, which includes fewer:

  • Return mail
  • Bounces back emails
  • Disconnected calls

After you've done the research, put considerable effort into creating the material, and finally brought your marketing efforts to fruition, contact data validation solutions help provide you with the peace of mind necessary to know they’ll fall in the right hands.

Integrating our contact data validation software into your e-commerce platform is simple

When it comes to e-commerce operations, how you create, use, and interpret your data matters. At Experian, we can easily connect our contact data validations software with your favorite e-commerce platforms to simplify the processes involved with running an online store. Achieve trusted data you can count on that helps you maintain data maturity, achieve your customer service goals, and reduce the operational costs associated with unnecessary data entry mistakes.

Ready to get started? Learn more about our integration solutions today.

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