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Celebrating Pride at Experian Boston

Pride is celebrated across the United States, and across the world, for the entire month of June. Here at Experian, we celebrate diversity and inclusion 365 days a year. Our promise to diversity and inclusion resonates beyond just a mission statement—it’s something we as an organization live out every day. Grace Jakubowski, an Account Manager at Experian, said: “Diversity and inclusion in the workplace is about creating an environment where a person can bring their whole self to work—Experian does that.” This June, we joined in on the celebrations, showing our pride at every one of our offices throughout the United States. All of our offices had different activities, gatherings, and networking opportunities to celebrate the month of Pride for members and supporters of the LGBTQ community.

Leaders of our Pride employee resource group, the Experian Pride Network, designed and distributed t-shirts with a special Experian logo to resemble the rainbow Pride flag, as shown in the image below. Many of our Experian offices coordinated days to wear these shirts in support. And what celebration would be complete without cake? In addition to the t-shirts, all U.S. offices also provided cupcakes in breakrooms and lunchrooms. Cupcakes fully represented the Pride flag and were a delicious touch to the month’s celebrations.

Here in Boston, we started Pride month off right

For the first time ever, we participated in the Boston Pride parade that took place the second weekend of June. It is one of the main events in the City’s Pride celebrations. We had a crowd of over 50 marching, including employees, friends, and family. Marchers sported Experian t-shirts, held an Experian banner, and handed out multi-colored beach balls to onlookers. To wrap up the day, we congregated at a local restaurant to enjoy some food, drinks, and lots of water after a hot day of marching. The parade was a wonderful chance for us to show our support and take part in the citywide celebrations. We look forward to marching again next year!

I am very proud to work for such an inclusive company that supports all diversity and equality. As a member of our Pride employee resource group, I look forward to continuing to celebrate Pride, diversity, and inclusion alongside my Experian family.

To learn more about Experian, our culture, and how we contribute to our communities, visit our About Us page.

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