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Building a better future, one young person at a time

At Experian Data Quality, we’re passionate about giving back to our community and building the next generation of leaders. On February 16, 2017, we did just that by hosting a fundraiser to support a local nonprofit, YouthBuild. The Boston-area organization helps low-income individuals reclaim their education and build the skills they need to thrive in employment. According to the organization, there are “at least 2.3 million low-income 16-24 year-olds in the United States who are not in education, employment, or training.” YouthBuild aims to service this population and help to unlock their potential.

To do our part, we partnered with the renowned sales trainer and consultant, Ed Wal, to sign copies of his new book “Solution Selling: The Strongman Process” at the event. Attendees had the opportunity to purchase the book and have it signed with a personal message from Ed himself. All proceeds from the book sales and donations from the evening went directly to YouthBuild, with which Ed has a strong personal connection.

In addition to the book signing, representatives from YouthBuild took center stage to talk about the work their organization does here in the States and abroad. John Valverde, YouthBuild’s chief executive officer explained the importance of their work and provided context for how far donations go to change the lives of YouthBuild graduates. Valverde then introduced a YouthBuild alumnus, who shared a very personal account of his life leading up to the program, and how it was changed for the better. His most exciting memory from the YouthBuild program? Being invited to Washington D.C. to meet with a delegation of Senators.

As the event drew to a close, Experian Data Quality’s Vice President and General Manager, Thomas Schutz, reflected on our company’s mission to leave the world a better place than we found it. Through this event, we raised over $8,000 for YouthBuild, which will go to fund four individuals to complete the program.

As a Boston-based company, we are passionate about giving back to those who are working to make our communities better. Check out photos from the evening in the Slideshare below. Want to learn more about Experian Data Quality’s community involvement?

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