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Best practices for improving application completion rates

Ashly Arndt

Research studies show that the average form abandonment rate is nearly 68 percent1—and online applications are no exception. Due to the amount of time and information required of the user, applications are likely to be amongst the most troublesome forms on your site when it boils down to completion rates and conversions.

Not sure how to identify areas of improvement in your current form strategy while deciphering roadblocks that stand in the way of higher application completion rates? Below, we’ll discuss some of the best practices to help you get started.

1. Keep your applications simple (and stick to the information you need)

If you’re experiencing low completion rates on your online applications, one of the first questions you should ask yourself is, “Would the sheer length of this form discourage me from completing it?” If the answer is yes, then you’re likely not alone.

Whether a user is filling out a credit card form for a financial institution or an application for a new job, they’ll likely need to share a fair amount of information about themselves before your business can process their application. While many users are aware that they’ll need to set aside some time to fill out an application, it’s crucial to make these forms as to the point as possible to discourage form abandonment. If you’re unsure whether to include a question in your application, examine whether the question:

  • Could be addressed through analytics
  • Leads the user to question your business's credibility and trustworthiness
  • Is unnecessary for processing the application 

If yes, omit these questions from the form. Keep your applications as simple as possible by breaking lengthier sections up into fragments. When the application feels like less work for the user, they’re much more likely to complete it in its entirety.

2. Provide shortcuts for data entry

When an application feels too tedious, it can discourage users from seeing the application through to the end. This means that in order to drive your application form conversions, you need to discourage users from leaving your business’s site. Since applications typically require more than a few seconds of a user’s attention, help them fill in the gaps for data entry where possible.

Not sure how to get started? API solutions, such as Experian’s Reverse Phone Append, significantly reduces the amount of form fills necessary for the user. Simply ask the individual to enter their phone number, and their name and address will automatically populate in the other contact fields. Not only does this ensure greater data accuracy, but it reduces the amount of time necessary to fill out applications in their entirety. This is a win-win for businesses looking to encourage form completion rates while ensuring that they have the correct consumer data on hand, too.

3. Establish superior security measures

Cybercrime and data breaches are at an unparalleled high. So, it should come as no surprise that security will be top of mind for a large percentage of the users who are about to share their personal information with you on your site. Regardless of what type of application an individual fills out, it’s your business’s duty to instill a sense of trust in its current and prospective clients.

Never overlook the importance of implementing the proper security measures in your operational practices to keep your customers’ data safe. When you protect your organization from fraud, you both establish your business’s reputability and garner a sense of trust from your clients—which play a pivotal role in your application competition rates.

4. Use A/B testing

If you’ve already followed the best practices for application completion rates outlined above, it may be time to consider A/B testing. If you’re not sure where to start, consider using a heatmap to identify potential pain points or areas of opportunity on your form. Do users seem to reach a certain section of your application before exiting out? What areas of your form generate the most interaction? Conducting A/B experiments can be a great way to see what works best for your site and audience. Since this method requires some trial and error, it’s beneficial to follow some of the tips outlined above before diving into any tests.

How Experian can help

Successful businesses find that leveraging data and understanding their consumers are two actions that lie at the heart of higher form completion rates and increasing conversions. If your business is struggling to optimize its application competition rates, it’s important to consider how you can anchorage data to make their experience with your business both stress-free and enjoyable.

Fortunately, reducing form abandonment doesn’t have to be tricky. Learn more about how our data quality solutions can contribute to your business’s growth today.

Contact a data quality expert

1 Gennaro, Lisa (2020, September 1). How to Reduce Order Form Abandonment + Increase Sales. WP Forms.